The Republicans and abortion

Jim Thompson
By Jim Thompson
HCP columnist
The Wall Street Journal has been recently opining that the Republicans need a new abortion message. What would that be? We are willing to give up children’s lives to win an election?
Count me out.
Thomas Sowell, in “Intellectuals in Society” and other writings, points out how down through the millennia, the elites of societies have turned on their children and the victims of crime, ignoring them for the sake of the perpetrators. We are deep in the throes of this attitude in the United States. As an example, he points out how the intellectuals cite the financial costs of incarceration but ignore the emotional and financial costs of letting convicted criminals go free. That says it all.
Discussions on abortion in this country focus on the mother, not the fetus. We are to have sympathy for the pregnant woman, not the fetus. Yet, when alternatives are provided that save the fetus as well as care for the mother, the noisy elites decry that this solution is not good enough. They are not satisfied until their blood lust to destroy the fetus is sated.
We see this in youth and adult crimes, too. The focus is on the convicted perpetrator, not the victims, living or dead. Justice is not served.
Now we have gender dystopia. Persons of one gender are subject to the appearance in their bathrooms of persons of the (only) other gender. Female athletes’ years of work and dreams are being stolen by men who got up one morning feeling like a summer’s eve. The elites, who claim to be the champions of the downtrodden, shut up and embrace the one whose feelings might be hurt over the ones who are actually wronged.
From fetuses to male swimmers in bikinis, these are all patterns of the same thinking. The innocent are ignored for the sake of some great "enlightened" thought process. If you don’t go along with their line of thought, you are cast as a dumb rube (and it is OK to call you a dumb rube, because you are not part of the “in crowd”).
You receive no understanding or sympathy regarding your views because you are obviously not one of the elites.
As we have slid down this terrible path, our major cities have borne the brunt of this craziness. Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York have become war zones at their core. Even some of their mayors, of the same party as the president, are saying, enough is enough.
In Albuquerque, the governor of New Mexico has issued a decree that even some of the staunchest gun control politicians have decried as unconstitutional. The Democrats are starting to eat their own.
Nancy D'Alesandro Pelosi, 83, announced this past week that she will run for Congress again so that she can clean up San Francisco. Really? Just how many years have you already “served” San Francisco in Congress, Ms. Pelosi?
I don’t think the Republicans need to do anything. If they are smart enough to just sit on their hands and shut up, this sauce of destruction will eventually drown their opposition. The elites will discover their money is no good here.
Jim Thompson, formerly of Marshall, is a graduate of Hillsboro High School and the University of Cincinnati. He resides in Duluth, Ga. and is a columnist for The Highland County Press. He may be reached at
Mutual Admiration Society
High praise, Matthew. I did live in Rush Limbaugh's hometown, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, before he was famous. I knew his father and grandfather and coincidently was on a plane with his grandfather going to London. His grandfather, nearly 90 at the time, liked to go to London twice a year when Old Bailey was in session and watch the proceedings. Limbaugh and Limbaugh was THE law firm in Cape Girardeau. Rush never became a lawyer and was considered the black sheep of the family until his work became the mouthpiece for the conservative movement.
I'm sure the Limbaugh lineage was uncertain during the first 40 years of Rusty's radio ramblings. But it all worked out. I often wondered when, or how, El Rushbo would finally retire. Unfortunately, he succumbed to a severe illness. I'm glad he alive when he was honored by Pres. Trump at a State of the Union Address. That's the same Address where the petulant and elderly Pelosi tore up her copy of the President's speech. She was not happy. She's probably never happy, unless she has her hourly pro bono wine and a walk-in fridge full of high-end ice cream. Truly a woman of the people...
Creating a conservative society
Great insight into today's society.
It takes work to develop a Conservative Society and Conservative government.
Please join the ranks of conservatives taking over your County’s Republican Party. With a modest influx of conservatives, we can take control of the Republican Party.
Other than the late radio broadcaster, author, and Medal of Freedom Recipient: Rush Limbaugh; Jim Thompson, of the HCP, says what I am thinking and believing in the political and cultural world. If I wasn't pre-occupied the next 30 days, I would travel to New Mexico and carry a few of my arms, both openly and concealed. Then pray for an arrest by the governor's authorities because I "violated her edicts." After the court settlement, I'll be a rich man... (a "man" is a human that was obviously born as a boy and reached the arbitrary age of 18. Then he either serves his country, attends post-secondary education, learns a marketable skill, farms, works in the family business, or gets a job. And then he is also a productive citizen and provides for himself and for his family.) A man doesn't participate in girls' or women's sports, and he doesn't shower and dress in female locker rooms. If a man tells me he feels like a woman, I'll tell him I have ocean front property in Arizona.