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  • Judging good and evil

    I read a set of phrases the other day I wish I could claim as my own: “If Donald Trump is so evil, didn’t he have four years already to be evil? If the Democrats are so good, they have been in charge for 12 of the last 16 years, haven’t they had time to do all the good they say they can?”
  • Maybe we don’t need an executive branch
    Let me get this straight. Joe Biden is too feeble to be president. Kamala Harris has been vice president, but claims that she will do great things for us when elected to the presidency. Haven’t these two been in charge since Jan. 20, 2021?
  • The government stole the pleasure of generosity
    We tell children it is more blessed to give than to receive. Then, by the time we become adults we forget this wise saying. Why? 
  • Study the track records of the candidates
    Study the track records of the candidates (you will have to do this on news sources you like and ones you don’t like to get a balanced picture) and then vote on the merits and nothing else.
  • How about talking to the near-misses?
    Highland County was my parents’ escape from a world that had rejected them and where they didn’t want to be. And you know what, I am glad they made this decision. I am thankful for my farm years in Highland County.
  • I just want your vote
    The current objectives of the Biden Administration and the DNC are too obvious and too cynical for the serious voter. They are only about getting votes for Biden.
  • Modern slavery
    Our federal government is no better than the citizens when it comes to responsible spending. We have gone from a national debt in the single digit trillions to the mid-30 trillions in less than 20 years.  The day of reckoning is coming for this, too, and we will all suffer from it.
  • Canary in the coal mine
    When one looks at the history of countries with shady governments, the genesis of this problem has usually been manipulation of their court system. Whether they be “banana republics,” dictatorships or something else, the path from a well-organized, honest government to a poorly organized, dishonest government has often gone through the courthouse.
  • Dates
    The other experience I have this time of year is that I hang a new calendar in my office. January seems to go along at a reasonable pace, so does February. Then all of a sudden, I am looking at November.
  • Stop the steal
    Corporations, small businesses and other entities have been stealing time from each of us in a planned and systematic way for many years to enrich themselves. It is time for this to stop.
  • Sonner Chapel in East Danville welcomes Jim Merz Dec. 10
    Sonner Chapel in East Danville invites the community to its 9 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 10 service with special guest Jim Merz of the Huber Heights First Church of God.
  • SEC v. Jarkesy
    Some will argue we live in a republic; others may say we live in a democracy. I say both are wrong. We live in a dictatorship. It is not the old-fashioned type of dictatorship with one leader, it has many leaders ensconced in all the various bureaucracies. 
  • We are no better than the Ancients
    At least I have found something on which Christians and Muslims agree – no infanticide.
  • My friends and colleagues
    So, who makes us enemies? It clearly does not happen on the one-on-one, person-to-person level. I lay this issue at the feet of politicians worldwide.
  • Jim Jordan nabs key nominations for speaker heading into Tuesday vote
    U.S. House Republican Jim Jordan of Ohio has picked up several key endorsements heading into a scheduled Tuesday vote for the next speaker of the House.
  • The Blue Marble
    We only have this tiny Blue Marble on which to live. We can take care of it environmentally, and we can take care of it socially. Or not. Right now, it looks like we are squandering our precious home, allowing our sinful nature to – once again – wreak havoc.
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