The Hillsboro VFW Post 9094 made a $5,000 donation to the Highland County Historical Society Wednesday afternoon as one of the first contributions toward a new endowment fund being established by the Society.
As we reflect back on the 2024 Highland County Fair, we would like to congratulate two of our Hillsboro Great Oaks FFA members who excelled in the Alpaca and Llama show. These two exhibitors are Dalayna Collins and Addy Knauff.
The Highland County Dog Pound has the following dogs available for adoption or rescue pulls as of Sept. 16, listed courtesy of the Friends of the Highland County Dog Pound.
Southern State Community College is excited to announce a 5.7-percent increase in student enrollment for the 2024 fall semester. Gains of 10.5 percent in College Credit Plus (CCP) enrollment and 0.4-percent increase in non-CCP hours suggest that the College continues to rely heavily on CCP enrollment while holding non-CCP enrollment steady.
The Wilmington Post of the Ohio State Highway Patrol is investigating a one-vehicle fatal crash that occurred Sept. 14 at approximately 12:30 a.m. on Sorg Road, approximately 1/10-mile west of Davidson Road, Whiteoak Township, Highland County.
C. S. Bell Foundry and Showroom, located behind 160 West Main Street, celebrated the unveiling and dedication of the number 54 bell with the Highland County Chamber of Commerce, along with family, friends and members of the community, on Sept. 12. C. S. Bell Foundry and Showroom is owned and operated by Tim and Deb Koehl.
The Ohio Department of Education and Workplace Friday released the Ohio School Report Cards for the 2023-24 school year, with Highland County districts and individual schools graded on their achievements for the most recent academic year.
Dark Harvest Productions, located on SR 124, north of Hillsboro, celebrated their official grand opening with the Highland County Chamber of Commerce, along with family, friends and members of the community, on Sept. 13.
In response to extremely dry conditions in various parts of the state, a Ban on Open Burning ordered last week by State Fire Marshal Kevin Reardon has been updated, extended and expanded to include additional counties.
The Lynchburg-Clay FFA had multiple FFA members participate in the 2024 Highland County Fair. We had members participate in special interest projects, crops and members who exhibited livestock.
Week 3 was tough for both the Hillsboro Indians and McClain Tigers as each left their home field with losses, but the good thing about high school football is this is a new week and the score on the scoreboard entering this fourth week of the season is 0-0.