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  • I can dream, can’t I?

    In this new scheme, much like the city manager form of local government works now, the president is charged with administering the federal government, not setting policy. The parties would put forth candidates based on their administrative qualities, nothing else.
  • I sold my soul to the company store
    Try to get inside Kamala Harris’s head for a minute. Here is a person close to grabbing the brass ring, who has never done anything in her life – never won a primary and never won a national election on her own. She will say anything, promise you anything to get your vote, for she knows on Nov. 6 (the day after the general election) she will not be held accountable.
  • Who do you trust? And more…
    I have grave suspicions about promises that are going to give me more money from the government, offer further environmental protections, and general protect weird stuff. Offering me money from the government is so disingenuous. That is taxpayer money that is being offered from the government; it is not fairy dust.  
  • What is the value of freedom of speech?
    Free speech is under attack around the world. The individual needs to be very careful about content, checking several sources if you can.
  • On Christ, the Solid Rock, I stand
    I thought I would take a bit of a pause here and offer some clarification on my recent and planned columns from now until November.
  • What’s next?
    No one could have predicted the events of the last 60 days in the 2024 presidential race. It once again reminds me of the spring of 1968 when President Johnson announced he wouldn’t run for re-election, and Martin Luther King Jr. and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated.  
  • Judging good and evil
    I read a set of phrases the other day I wish I could claim as my own: “If Donald Trump is so evil, didn’t he have four years already to be evil? If the Democrats are so good, they have been in charge for 12 of the last 16 years, haven’t they had time to do all the good they say they can?”
  • Violators of space, time, view and peace 
    Even the “freedom loving” Democrats know the average person likes things neat and orderly. This week, at the United Center, they kept the area inside where the cameras were neat and orderly. This despite the chaos less than 200 feet away outside their double- fenced sanctuary and their anything goes attitude. What hypocrites. And shame on the media for colluding with them.
  • There is no joy outside fence
    True to form, the normally fenceless, no ID Democrats have not one, but two fences around the United Center and you must show ID to get in. Totally opposite the policies they take toward our southern border and voter ID.
  • Get thee to an economics class
    Now Kamala Harris has come out with price controls, allegedly to stop inflation. They didn’t work for Nixon; in fact, they caused inflation. They haven’t worked for New York City (rent controls), going back to just after World War II. It is not surprising she (or her handlers) came up with these. After all, not that many columns ago I remarked that governments are the only legal monopolies. Price controls are like monopolies; hence, what government employees understand.
  • Maybe we don’t need an executive branch
    Let me get this straight. Joe Biden is too feeble to be president. Kamala Harris has been vice president, but claims that she will do great things for us when elected to the presidency. Haven’t these two been in charge since Jan. 20, 2021?
  • The government stole the pleasure of generosity
    We tell children it is more blessed to give than to receive. Then, by the time we become adults we forget this wise saying. Why? 
  • How was your visit to the ATM?
    For those of you who think socialism is the way to go and if you succeed in pushing us further that way, rest assured when that day comes, you won’t be bothered with any pesky surveys – for you will be dealing with monopolies that could care less about how you feel about their services.  
  • Study the track records of the candidates
    Study the track records of the candidates (you will have to do this on news sources you like and ones you don’t like to get a balanced picture) and then vote on the merits and nothing else.
  • How about talking to the near-misses?
    Highland County was my parents’ escape from a world that had rejected them and where they didn’t want to be. And you know what, I am glad they made this decision. I am thankful for my farm years in Highland County.
  • For the 18- 24-year-olds
    Gasoline is about $3.50 per gallon today. In 54 years, if you experience the same inflation, it will be $28.34 per gallon. Of course, some of the powers that be want you to be in an electric car or have all cars banned by then. I saw a new Camaro advertised online for $41,370. Well, that will cost you $344,985.05 54 years hence.
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