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  • Hillsboro Global Methodist Church rummage sale May 2-3

    Hillsboro Global Methodist Church will hold a rummage sale Thursday, May 2 from 8:30 a.m.- 6 p.m. and from 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. on Friday, May 3.
  • National Day of Prayer observances planned in Greenfield
    The 73rd annual National Day of Prayer observance will take place at two separate times in Greenfield on Thursday, May 2. 
  • Greenfield Village Council to meet April 19
    Greenfield Village Council will meet at 4 p.m. Friday, April 19 in council chambers on the third floor of City Hall, 300 Jefferson Street, to discuss sewer and water policy fees and related issues.
  • Odds and ends, and a thank-you note
    Today's Word of the Day is allyship. A word I was happily ignorant of until a recent county commissioners' meeting. Whoever came up with "allyship" must be totally ignorant of the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” (Matthew 7:12). Enough said.
  • Pre-trial held for teen facing rape, gross sexual imposition charges
    A pre-trial hearing was held Wednesday, April 17 in Highland County Court, Juvenile Division for a 16-year-old male who is alleged to have had recent sexual contact with a child under the age of 13 and faces the equivalent of first-degree felony rape and a third-degree felony charge of gross sexual imposition.
  • Is it time for Greenfield to change to a City Charter?
    I think it’s time again to consider a Charter for Greenfield. The majority of the current committee’s grievances can best be addressed with a Charter. The council-manager form of government is the fastest-growing form of government in the United States today. It’s also the most prevalent – it’s used by more cities, villages, townships and counties than any other form.
  • Amish Country Byway wins national honor
    The National Scenic Byway Foundation congratulates the Amish Country Byway of Ohio as a winner of the 2024 Byway Award for Leveraging Resources. This is one of the Foundation’s eight national awards presented annually.
  • GEVS Board to meet April 22
    The Greenfield Exempted Village School District Board of Education will hold its monthly meeting on Monday, April 22 at 7 p.m. in the Rainsboro Elementary Cafeteria.
  • Clyburn: Greenfield voters should keep city manager form of government
    On April 15, Greenfield Council President Phil Clyburn met with The Highland County Press and encouraged voters to maintain support for the city manager form of government. Clyburn said as he understands it, if the village returns to a mayoral form of government, voters will have to elect a new mayor, city auditor and law director. Prior to that vote in November, Clyburn said Greenfield would first have a special election to determine its form of government.
  • I just want your vote
    The current objectives of the Biden Administration and the DNC are too obvious and too cynical for the serious voter. They are only about getting votes for Biden.
  • HCS Board to meet April 15
    The Hillsboro City School Board of Education will meet in regular session Monday, April 15 at 7 p.m. in the Board of Education office, 39 Willettsville Pike, for the regular board meeting and executive session if necessary.
  • Greenfield 'experiment' has run its course
    Now, armed with new knowledge, we can take what we have learned from that experience and apply it to a new government that will serve us better than anything we have yet seen. It's going to be an exciting year.
  • Todd Wilkin has served Greenfield well, regardless of any pending actions on April 9
    After six years of honorable service to the village of Greenfield, Todd Wilkin's fate ought not to come down to petty politics or ulterior agendas. By all accounts, Wilkin has served Greenfield well, regardless of any pending actions by council on April 9.
  • Xenia: A harrowing history – 50 years since the 1974 Super Outbreak
    50 years ago today, the South and part of the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys were devastated by one of the most significant weather events in U.S. history. Infamously known as the 1974 Super Outbreak, which lasted from April 3-4, 1974, the Outbreak was the first on record to produce more than 100 tornadoes in a 24-hour period. The onslaught resulted in the loss of 335 lives and $600 million in damages.
  • Ex-school resource officer indicted for sexual battery
    Mason Williams, 26, of Eaton, was charged with two counts of sexual battery and one count of tampering with evidence. Each count is a third-degree felony.
  • St. Vincent dePaul Society outreach days
    The St. Vincent dePaul Society of St. Mary Catholic Church in Hillsboro will be holding two outreach days in April at the Parish Hall at 119 E. Walnut St. in Hillsboro.
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