Southern State’s Adult Opportunity Center hosts recognition celebration for the Aspire and Graduation Alliance Programs

By Elizabeth Burkard
Director of Marketing
Southern State Community College
Area residents who passed the General Education Development (GED) test or completed the Adult High School Workforce Diploma Program were honored recently at the 35th annual Adult Opportunity Center’s Recognition celebration at Southern State Community College’s Central Campus in Hillsboro.
For the 2023-24 academic year, the Adult Opportunity Center served 165 students. Of those students, 159 enrolled in one of the AOC classes and almost 50 percent improved at least one academic level.
The ceremony began with the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Southern State’s Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs Dr. Erika Goodwin. Introductions and a welcome were provided by Susan Armstrong, Adult Opportunity Center Director, and Southern State President Dr. Nicole Roades.
During the program, Aspire Instructor Rhonda Crum provided an address to the graduates and special music was performed by Sue Reynolds and John Noack.
Special awards were presented to the following:
• Any student who successfully passed the GED received a Trustee Scholarship for a three-credit hour college class at Southern State.
• The student from each county achieving the highest total GED score received the Trustee Honor Scholarship. Awardees were Sam Malin of Adams County, Melissa Peters of Brown County, Matthew Waters of Clermont County, William Wheeling of Clinton County, Samantha Koski of Fayette County, Cole Johnston of Highland County and Cody Crawford of Ross County.
“Friends of Aspire” awards were presented to the New Vienna Lions Club for outstanding partnerships with the Adult Opportunity Center. Receiving the “Honored Volunteer” award were Mike and Cathy Shanahan of Hillsboro, Ohio.
Both the Aspire program, directed by Susan Armstrong of the Adult Opportunity Center and the 22+ program, coordinated by Anya Brennan of Graduation Alliance, provide adult education opportunities through Southern State Community College. All books and materials are provided, and a choice of morning or evening classes focusing on adult literacy, GED preparation, college refresher courses, workforce education, and basic reading, writing, and math skill improvement are available.
Southern State’s Aspire and Graduation Alliance programs are state and federally grant-funded and offered free of charge to participants.
For more information about the Aspire program, please visit
For more information about the Graduation Alliance program, please visit
To speak to someone directly, call Southern State’s Adult Opportunity Center at 937-393-3431, ext. 2687. Anyone wishing to enroll in classes should call the number listed above. A new class will be starting in August 2024.
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