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  • My travails

    Pulmonary edema
    was the prognosis,
    It looked like I would live,
    complete with canine halitosis!
  • A Christmas story
    Now, it’s Christmas,
    Over ten years later,
    Life’s still delicious,
    Dad’s still my savior.
  • A Standard Morning
    So now leashed we walk together,
    I seek squirrels, cats, perhaps a feather,
    These are my morning joys.
  • Heritage Foundation’s 2016 President’s Club Meeting
    Our dinner speaker was Vice-President elect Mike Pence. Mr. Pence made it very clear that the team of Trump and Pence are going to hit the ground running. To say – for conservatives – that the day was like breathing straight from a pure tank of oxygen, would be an understatement.
  • From Wall Street to Panajachel
    When you drive across the Midwestern U.S., you see corn fields with all the stalks the same height and the fields look very uniform. Here, that is not the case. Hybrid corn is not used and the crop is very irregular in height. In this part of the country, I have never seen a horse or a mule, let alone a tractor. The land is very steep and terraced and is all farmed by hand.
  • From Wall Street to Panajachel
    When you drive across the Midwestern U.S., you see corn fields with all the stalks the same height and the fields look very uniform. Here, that is not the case. Hybrid corn is not used and the crop is very irregular in height. In this part of the country, I have never seen a horse or a mule, let alone a tractor. The land is very steep and terraced and is all farmed by hand.
  • The sales test

    The sales pitch is it is “the law of the land.” What a joke of an argument. Let’s see, what else has been “the law of the land” in the past?

  • Income disparity
    Higher wages have to come from somewhere, and where would that be? You, the consumer, not you, the investor, would pay higher prices.
  • Why the Feds want to keep you poor
    Politicians prefer the voters who are poor because they can control poor voters. You can control anyone with “free stuff” if they don’t care or are gullible as to what this is about. It is pure old psychological conditioning.
  • The folly of the 'Life Balance' concept
    Let me ask you this. If you are about to undergo brain surgery, do you want a doctor who (a) thinks and breathes brain surgery day and night; or, (b) a doctor who skipped the last few seminars on latest techniques to go to their kid’s soccer games?
  • Who will be president on Jan. 21, 2017?
    Any other Democrat, a “strawman” if you will, could run, win and then turn the office over to Obama. This is constitutionally ambiguous enough that it could probably succeed. Easiest way to accomplish this, with Hillary out of the way, is to run Michelle.
  • Nuts and Bolts
    Today, progressive liberalism knows no bounds. Movements and people of this ilk are literally trying to create heaven on earth. Everyone has a right to everything, they say. No one is to be offended, denied access, or feel pain.
  • The laws of economics still work

    Who will buy the remaining assets of the United States when the country fails? Will the Statute of Liberty be sold to Russia and moved to St. Petersburg?

  • Detroit and progressive liberalism
    Progressive liberalism, thy name is Detroit. You own it.
  • Will we see Christians in America killed for their faith?

    We can certainly answer in the affirmative, “Will we see Christians in America persecuted for their faith?” This has been happening and is getting worse by the day. Face it, it is no longer cool – if it ever were – to be a Christian in America.

  • Justice and modern media
    The judicial process has always had its miscarriages. Some point to the Scopes Trial (“The Monkey Trial” in Dayton, Tenn., 1925) as the first modern media trial frenzy. I would direct the reader’s attention to the Sacco and Vanzetti Trial in Massachusetts in 1921 and suggest it holds this dubious honor.
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