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  • Assisted living

    I walked down the familiar hallway to his apartment’s front door and knocked. Years past, he would come to the door and open it wide and greet me with a hug. I heard his gentle voice from inside “Come in, Christine."
  • Warm winter wind
    Time passed and the wind picked up, and finally I did feel its chill begin to pass through my clothing. I was still in no hurry to move. I lingered until the bite of the wind really did become uncomfortable.
  • Warm winter wind
    Time passed and the wind picked up, and finally I did feel its chill begin to pass through my clothing. I was still in no hurry to move. I lingered until the bite of the wind really did become uncomfortable.
  • Form or function?
    We were just determined to do those outside things that needed to be done, and to take the most direct route possible, so we could hurry back inside to another cup of coffee and the warmth of the wood stove.
  • Form or function?
    We were just determined to do those outside things that needed to be done, and to take the most direct route possible, so we could hurry back inside to another cup of coffee and the warmth of the wood stove.
  • Frozen solid
    Curiously, I was not in any real rush to get back outside, even though the temperature had risen, by then, to a toasty seven degrees.
  • Frozen solid
    Curiously, I was not in any real rush to get back outside, even though the temperature had risen, by then, to a toasty seven degrees.
  • A new year
    The fire settled down into red embers. Papaw raked the coals together, and we carried our chairs back up to the cabin, but before we settled down for the night, she danced about the cabin in a long white night gown, like a beautiful fairy princess, our son’s child, our granddaughter.
  • A new year
    The fire settled down into red embers. Papaw raked the coals together, and we carried our chairs back up to the cabin, but before we settled down for the night, she danced about the cabin in a long white night gown, like a beautiful fairy princess, our son’s child, our granddaughter.
  • A gift from the garage
    Living in the country and tending to the details of marking and the distinct personalities of my own small flock of pigeons, had led me to watch these city birds as I had never watched city pigeons before.
  • A gift from the garage
    Living in the country and tending to the details of marking and the distinct personalities of my own small flock of pigeons, had led me to watch these city birds as I had never watched city pigeons before.
  • Muddy dogs
    The air smelled crisp, with an undercurrent of damp earth, as we walked along the road on our morning walk, and then the dogs, noses in the air, dashed down to the quick running creek water.
  • Muddy dogs
    The air smelled crisp, with an undercurrent of damp earth, as we walked along the road on our morning walk, and then the dogs, noses in the air, dashed down to the quick running creek water.
  • I watched from the window
    It was well below freezing. Snow was falling fast, and from my kitchen window it looked as though a good three to four inches was already covering the wooden rocking chairs and table on the side deck.
  • I watched from the window
    It was well below freezing. Snow was falling fast, and from my kitchen window it looked as though a good three to four inches was already covering the wooden rocking chairs and table on the side deck.
  • Thanksgiving Bird

    "You can do this," I told him. "You can raise this baby and in time I will let him fly through the creek valley sky, and after he flies he will always return." I stood there. "We can do this," I told him. "We can do this."

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