Beginning July 5, the streets east of the Leesburg Library will be tied into the new water main. Be prepared for street closures, temporary water loss and boil alerts.
Major League Fishing, the world’s largest tournament-fishing organization, announced June 22 the results of the 2023 General Tire Team Series Draft, which took place Wednesday in Harrison Township, Mich.
The Fairfield FFA Chapter attended the 95th Ohio State FFA Convention May 4-5 at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus. There were 30 members and guests in attendance from the chapter.
The Leesburg Area Historical Society will host its third annual Judy Mason Memorial Cookout on Friday, June 16 (rain date Saturday, June 17) from 5-8 p.m. at the Leesburg Depot.
A dream that started almost 20 years ago recently became reality for a Leesburg native, as Fairfield graduate Cody Davidson completed the 2023 Boston Marathon this April.
The Fairfield Local High School chapter of the National Honor Society has had a very successful school year. This student organization has successfully directed several school activities, including two charitable projects, and has volunteered at several events.
Once again, the Village of Leesburg would like to honor our 2023 Fairfield graduates with a special parade through town immediately following graduation on Sunday, May 14.