Lynchburg Lions donate books to Lynchburg Library

Pictured are (l-r) Lynchburg Library Manager Elaine Williams, Lion Chris Hamlin, Lion Virginia Rhonemus and Lion Dot Ridgeway with the books on dyslexia that were donated to the library.
By Jim Faust
Lynchburg Lions Club
The Lynchburg Lions Club recently donated a series of educational books and materials to the Lynchburg Branch of the Highland County District Library.
These books were on the subject of dyslexia and they will provide much needed information on this subject to the community. Branch Manager Elaine Williams accepted these materials and she thanked the club for its service to the area.
The club also donated a series of educational materials on the subject of nocturnal animals to the L-C Elementary School. In additional, the club provided funds for shoes for needy students in the local schools.
These are some of the service projects that are possible because of the annual candy sale conducted by the Lynchburg Lions Club.