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Lynchburg Lions conclude candy sale

Courtesy of Jim Faust
Lynchburg Lions Club

The Lynchburg Lions Club has concluded its annual candy sale that began on Nov. 19.  

The club wishes to thank all those who supported the sale. Special thanks goes to the Highland County Republican Central Committee who provided their building facilities in Hillsboro on West Main Street for display and sales area. Thanks also goes to the Southern Hills Community Bank in Lynchburg for their great support in providing display areas and money collection service for the candy.  

The club will use the profits from the sale for at least 30 community service projects. These projects include donations to Eye Research, Lions International Disaster Relief, Canine Companions, Ohio Lions Foundation equipment for the blind, the Lions Quest educational training program, KAMP Dovetail, Ohio disaster relief assistance, Diabetes Research, Pediatric Cancer Research, Sight and Hearing development, Personal Energy Transportation (PET) machines for the handicapped, eyeglasses for needy persons, and the Central Ohio Lions Eye Bank and Cornea transplant service. 

Other donations have already been given to the GOOD program for all fifth graders at the L-C Elementary School that promotes character and personal development, the Peace Poster Contest for all sixth-graders, distribution of used eyeglasses for the needy all over the world, measles vaccinations for thousands of persons world-wide, and providing gift cards for meals and other assistance to needy persons in the local community. 

Additional funding includes donations to local support programs for the schools, the “Because He Lives” food pantry, providing books on dyslexia for the public library system, the Highland County Society for Children and Adults, the L-C Athletic Boosters, and the local Scouting programs. 

The Club also funds two $500.00 scholarships for Lynchburg-Clay High School seniors that will be presented at the graduation ceremonies this spring. Other donations will be presented as needed throughout the year to Highland County area charities.

Anyone wanting and willing to be a Lion is urged to contact any Lions member. The Lynchburg Lions Club meets each second Monday evening of each month at 6:30 in the Lions Building on Main Street in Lynchburg. All the other local Lions clubs also welcome new members. They all follow the motto of “We Serve.”

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