Greenfield school board organizes for 2025

Greenfield’s board of education is pictured during Superintendent Quincey Gray’s report at a board meeting in 2024. Clockwise around the table and beginning at the bottom, center is Gray, board members Sandy Free, Eric Wise, and Eric Zint, treasurer Brad Barber, and board members Marilyn Mitchell and Rachel Fraley. (Photo by Angela Shepherd/GEVS.)
By Angela Shepherd
The Greenfield Exempted Village School District Board of Education held its organizational meeting on Jan. 8, 2025.
In the first meeting of the year, as mandated by Ohio law, the school board set meeting dates for the year, elected board leadership and committee members, approved memberships to various organizations, and also approved the annual tax budget.
The board of education leadership, as voted on by school board members on Jan. 8, are Eric Zint, president, and Sandy Free, vice president. OSBA (Ohio School Boards Association) posts filled in the meeting were: legislative liaison, Eric Wise; OSBA delegate, Eric Wise; OSBA alternate, Marilyn Mitchell; and student achievement liaison, Rachel Fraley. Additionally, Sandy Free was appointed to the village’s recreation commission.
Committee memberships are: Sandy Free and Eric Wise - Athletic Facilities Committee, Rachel Fraley and Eric Zint - Budget and Finance Committee, Sandy Free and Marilyn Mitchell - Building and Grounds Committee, Rachel Fraley and Eric Zint - Policy, Curriculum, and Communication Committee, amd Marilyn Mitchell and Eric Wise - Student Achievement Committee.
The regular meeting dates and locations as approved for 2025 are as follows: Jan. 27 - Greenfield Elementary (cafetorium), Feb. 24 - Rainsboro Elementary (cafeteria), March 24 - McClain High School (cafetorium), Apr. 14 - Buckskin Elementary (cafeteria), May 19, June 30, July 14, and Aug. 11 - all at the central office boardroom, Sept. 22 - Rainsboro Elementary (cafeteria), Oct. 20 - Buckskin Elementary (cafeteria), Nov. 17 - Greenfield Elementary (cafetorium), and Dec. 15 - McClain High School (cafetorium). All meetings begin at 7 p.m.
Among other business, the board approved appointments of various legal counsel, board member compensation, and the 2026 tax budget.
To follow along with what is going on in the Greenfield school district, go to the district website at or go to the district’s social media pages. The individual buildings also have Facebook pages. The district’s central office may be reached by calling 937-981-2152.