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  • Relay For Life team to hold prom dress, tuxedo silent auction at HHS

    The Clark County Relay for Life's Team Powder Power will be hosting a prom dress and tuxedo silent auction fundraiser on March 20, 2010 at the Hillsboro High School Cafeteria.
  • Decker completes Myofascial Release course
    The John F. Barnes' Myofascial Release approach is considered to be the ultimate mind/body therapy that is safe, gentle and consistently effective in producing results that lasts.
  • Walmart Foundation grant to MOWAA helps feed seniors through Highland County Community Action
    Highland County Community Action Organization, Inc. has been award $15,000 through a Walmart Foundation grant to the Meals On Wheels Association of America (MOWAA). The money will provide the HCCAO Senior Nutrition Program with a much-needed Hot Shot delivery vehicle, which is critical to continue serving seniors in this rural county.
  • Social Civics Club holds March meeting
    Mary Ann Larkin opened her home to members of the New Petersburg Social Civics Club for their March meeting. President Debbie Robinson opened the meeting and welcomed those present.
  • Highland County Democratic Party to host spring dinner
    The Highland County Democratic Party will hold their spring dinner on Sunday, March 28 at the Old Ponderosa Banquet Center at 1:30 p.m. with the meal served promptly at 1:30. Tickets for the event are $15 per person.
  • Gingerich eliminated from 'Runway'
    Model Alison Gingerich, originally from Leesburg, was eliminated on the Thursday, March 11 episode of Lifetime's "Models of the Runway" companion show to "Project Runway."
  • Engineer's office to change hours
    Effective April 5, 2010 - Oct. 7, 2010, the Highland County Engineer's Office and County Highway Department will be working four (4) – ten (10) hour days, Monday through Thursday, 7 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
  • Chamber's Business After Hours set for March 18 at YMCA
    The Highland County Chamber of Commerce March Business After Hours will feature a Mini Business Expo on Thursday, March 18 from 5-7 p.m. at the Highland County Family YMCA in Hillsboro.
  • Saturday night party on tap March 20
    Activities and menus can also be found on our Web site,
  • Pesticide program set for March 15

    The weather thus far in the month of March has given us a change from the snow and cold of February. Warmer temperatures have resulted in a departure of most of the snow and replaced it with an abundance of muddy conditions around the farm. How quickly the current conditions change remains to be seen. Just remember that we are inching closer to spring. Not fast enough, mind you, but we are getting there. 

  • Alzheimer's and True Love
    Love them where they are
    Some say true love only happens in fairy tales, but the staff of the Edith Brown Pavilion at Highland District Hospital begs to differ. They deal with love stories every day as they care for their patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and interact with patients’ family members who are holding onto the fading memories of their loved ones.
  • SWCD offers tree seedling packets
    Windy days remind us how useful windbreak trees are. Effective windbreak plantings save energy dollars, paying for themselves many times over the years. Now is the perfect time to start planning for your spring plantings by ordering tree seedlings through the Highland Soil and Water Conservation District's Annual Tree Seedling Sale. This year's sale will offer hardy seedlings, as well as wildflower seed packets and white vinyl flags. This is a great opportunity to make purchases at a minimal price with a maximum long-range benefit.
  • Community happenings

    GOP Women's Club

  • Triple-L 4-H Club elects officers
    The Triple-L 4-H club had its first meeting on Sunday, Feb. 21 at the home of advisor Jaime Simmons. Members and parents looked at the 4-H catalog to determine what projects the members would like to take this year.
  • Area Agency on Aging recruiting volunteers
    Looking for an opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of others? If so, the Area Agency on Aging District 7, Inc. (AAA7) has an opportunity for you or someone you know who may be interested in helping some of our most vulnerable citizens - nursing home residents.
  • The "Fair-est" flowers of them all - Hillsboro Garden Club makes flower specimen selections for Highland County Fair
           The Hillsboro Garden Club has made their flower specimen selections for the Highland County Fair in September. Young gardeners planning to exhibit their flower specimens on Wednesday, September 8, will be planting and presenting the recently introduced Denver Daisy, a hardy, late blooming, drought resistant perennial with enormous flowers. Bred from native species, this new twist on Black-eyed Susan sports 6-8 inch blooms with pure yellow petals surrounding a dark red center. It thrives in full sun and attracts butterflies in the summer and birds in the late fall. Seed packets are available from Park Seeds.
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