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  • Time for the president to show some backbone

    We seem to have a president playing the part of the turtle in the story of a turtle giving a scorpion a ride across a river with Republicans playing the part of the scorpion. Like the scorpion, Republicans will lash out at the entity that is transporting them across treacherous waters, even if that means they will drown as a result, because it is their nature.
  • GOP needs a name change
  • Greenfield's Senior Nutrition Program appreciated
    Those of us in Greenfield are very fortunate to have a Senior Nutrition Site in Greenfield where people 60 or older can get a hot noon meal five days a week. The meal includes a hot meal, dessert, and drinks of juice, tea, and milk. The Senior Nutrition Site is located at 1230 Greenhills Village Drive (across from the library) beside Pamida.
  • Holidays can bring on 'compassion fatigue'
    To the editor:
     The holidays are a natural time to enjoy family and get-togethers – sharing festive meals, exchanging gifts and celebrating traditions. But for the 65 million Americans taking care of someone with a life-limiting illness, finding holiday cheer can be difficult.
  • Republicans want good health care for Americans, just not 'Obama-care'
    Republicans oppose this health care bill because it is a horrible piece of legislation, not because we oppose health care reform. I believe that Congress can do better and expect them to do so.
  • St. Mary Catholic School fall carnival a success
    St. Mary Catholic School PTG group would like to thank everyone for coming to our annual fall carnival. It was a great success and a lot of fun was had by all.
  • Republicans should reject government health care
    All Republicans at all levels should reject government supported health care for themselves and their families. They do not believe that all the citizens of this country deserve excellent health care coverage even if it is provided by the government. So, why should we citizens provide them with health care?
  • Politicians should leave OPERS alone
    To the editor:
     This is the first "letter to the editor" I have ever written, so I hope you realize the extent to which I am concerned.
  • Two ironclad rules for Congress
    We, the People asked for "change" in 2008, but we failed to name any specific change we wanted. As a result, we got a Congress that did nothing but shove their agenda on us and spend money and argue about a 1,000-page health care bill for a year, while we were all sinking.
  • Reader enjoys column on chili and other stuff
    I loved your humor on your chili experiences. It was a real hoot to read. I never heard of chili for breakfast, but hey, to each his own. I could never be so brave. The part about Rolaids and Charmin had me rolling. See, even that portion of your editorial was educational. I never knew what a "knock" of spice was! Keep up the good work.
  • It's all relative
  • Thanks to those who supported Belfast Community Center
    As one of the volunteers of the Belfast Community Center, I would like to take this time to thank everyone who ever came out to show your support in one way or another. From the time you took to visit a flea market, car show, auctions, or any event that we held to raise the money that was going for the upkeep of the center.
  • Pros, cons and conditions
    We, as voters, set the conditions for rule by democracy. Locally, as well as nationally. You must exercise your vote or you place that burden upon others that may not have your best interest in mind. So I ask of you, dear reader, on Wednesday, November 3, what condition will your condition be in?
  • Unintended consequences of socialist policy
    This is an open letter to Senator Sherrod Brown. Introduction: I have looked at your 111th Congressional voting record and have one question: Why do you want a Socialist government?
  • Greenfield benefits from George Waddell family generosity
    Recently, I learned of the generous gifts George M. Waddell, through his estate, made to the people of Greenfield, his beloved hometown. As I have been reflecting upon this, and it was unexpected, perhaps, but to those who knew him, it was just an extension of what he had been giving to others throughout his life.
  • Educators support Strickland
    As lifelong educators, teachers, and community college professors, both of us did some research on the candidates for governor, and here's what we found.
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