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  • More concerns over state program

    Today’s participants in the Help Me Grow program may find themselves all grown up by the time the county and state resolve its ongoing fiscal concerns.
        Once again, this program’s budget was a topic of discussion for the Highland County Board of Commissioners.
  • Lynchburg receives stimulus funding; completes drinking water protection plan
    The village of Lynchburg recently completed a Drinking Water Source Protection Plan. This is an action plan that identifies possible contaminants to the Lynchburg Drinking Water System and provides protective strategies. This plan was developed by the Drinking Water Protection Team which was composed of the Village Administrator Nicole Oberrecht, Water & Wastewater Supervisor Mark Suitor, and Scott Brown of the Ohio Rural Water Association.
  • At least our friends in Florida are warm
    The pre-dawn temperature in Hillsboro dipped to 7 degrees Wednesday morning, as snow flurries began falling again.
  • At least our friends in Florida are warm
    The pre-dawn temperature in Hillsboro dipped to 7 degrees Wednesday morning, as snow flurries began falling again.
  • Latest Combined Ohio EPA and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Water Projects Funded
    Hillsboro received a $5 million ARRA subsidy to combine with a $10.2 million low-interest loan totaling $15.2 million to increase the capacity at the wastewater treatment plant and add wastewater flow equalization to eliminate wet weather by-passes to Clear Creek.
  • City council approves fire inspections; does not provide details of fines, penalties for noncompliance
    As expected, Hillsboro City Council voted to accept a proposed ordinance from the Hillsboro Fire Department that mandates as of Jan. 1, 2010, there will be an annual fire inspection performed on every commercial business and multiple family dwelling in the city of Hillsboro. Council voted to waive the fire department's proposed fees at its Monday meeting. 
  • Southern Ohio Procurement Outreach Center to host workshop
    The Southern Ohio Procurement Outreach Center is presenting a workshop on government contracting:  "Government Marketing 101: An Introduction to Government Procurement."
  • Pesticide education programs
    Recently, I discussed the possibility of the weather changing at the opening of this column and Mother Nature certainly didn’t disappoint. The mud and slop around the farm has quickly been replaced by frozen ground.
  • Highland County Press switches to paid format
    Effective with this week’s edition, The Highland County Press is now a paid newspaper publication.
        “We are asking for our current readers who are receiving home or business delivery via our motor route carriers or staff members to pay an annual subscription fee of $10,” said HCP publisher Rory Ryan.
  • Cincinnati United Attack soccer team places second in World Soccer Championship
    The Cincinnati United Attack 3-on-3 soccer team capitalized on its great team speed and aggressive defense to finish second in the Kick It 3v3 World Soccer Championship held Jan. 16-18 in Orlando, Fla., at Disney's Wide World of Sports. The team includes 11-year-old Brady Roberts, the son of Mark and Nancy Roberts of West Chester (formerly of Hillsboro). Brady is the grandson of Phil and Carol Roberts of Hillsboro.
  • HDH thanks Twigs for their longstanding support
    Two long standing hospital twigs (women’s auxiliary) made significant donations to the Foundation in 2009.  Only one twig remains out of 15. The Buckeye Twig, the oldest twig, reluctantly disbanded and donated the remainder of their funds toward the upgrade of the maternity security system which is being installed.
  • HDH thanks Twigs for their longstanding support
    Two long standing hospital twigs (women’s auxiliary) made significant donations to the Foundation in 2009.  Only one twig remains out of 15. The Buckeye Twig, the oldest twig, reluctantly disbanded and donated the remainder of their funds toward the upgrade of the maternity security system which is being installed.
  • Dale Ison's 'Hero Truck' gets rave reviews at World of Wheels
    Dale Ison's "Hero Truck" was one of the most popular vehicles on display this past weekend at the World of Wheels at the Abilene, Texas Civic Center.
  • Record-setting buck from Highland County has official scoring
    The Ohio Division of Wildlife held the official scoring session for the Stephens Buck, shot in Highland County on Nov. 30 by Clayton, Ohio resident Brian Stephens. The non-typical rack measured 250 1/8 inches gross, 232 5/8 inches net.
  • Turner hands Geithner another 30 questions investigating treasury's role in reducing Delphi salaried retirees' pensions
               Congressman Michael Turner (R-Ohio-3) <;  today presented Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner with an additional 30 questions examining the Treasury Department's involvement in the decision to cut Delphi salaried retirees' pension plans.  Congressman Turner handed Secretary Geithner the additional questions prior to this morning's House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
  • OVRDC to hold meeting Feb. 10
    The Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission (OVRDC) is holding its annual county caucus reorganization meeting for Highland County on Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2010 at 10:30 a.m. in the Commissioners Office of the Highland County Administration Building. Major items on the agenda of this meeting, which is open to the public, include: review and revise caucus membership, selection of a caucus chair and executive committee member, and selection of a project review committee member.
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