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This golf outing was about more than finishing under par

Last Friday, I was asked to take part in the 18th annual SATH Celebrity Golf Classic, and I was told to bring a friend and take the day off.
    So like anyone who wants to obey their boss (and get a Monday off to play golf), I emailed back "sure," and I was on my way to find a golf partner.
    So as Monday rolled around, the weather decided to be a jerk and spit mist and cold winds all morning, but that was OK; like I was told by a couple people at the Snow Hill Golf Course, "A bad day of golf is better than a good day of work."
    With that friendly advice, I was ready to hit the links for a fun (and muddy) day of golf. After being teamed up with Bob and Todd Stevens and my buddy Tom Coleman, along with Former UC Bearcat, NBA player and 1964 U.S. Olympic gold medalist "Big" George Wilson, it was time to "try" and just not stink up the show.
    Well, that lasted all of one swing.
    Here I am, my first time at Snow Hill, with four other players watching me take a swing, and what do I do? I hit it about as far as a pitcher would bunt a baseball while trying to move a base runner from first to second base.
    Along the way, I got tips from Big George (who has attended almost every SATH Golf Classic) on my entire golf game (“just tell yourself swing back and drive through”), had a few much-needed laughs, came really close (all right, not really close at all) to winning a new car, and just had a good (albeit rain-soaked) time Monday after 18 holes.
    I thought on the Hole-In-One with a chance to win a car that if I hit the ball half way I would get a set of new tires, but that didn't happen. (At least Bob laughed at the tire comment.) I am pretty sure I didn't make a putt, but toward the middle of the game (after a quick pointer from Todd) I managed to at least drive the golf ball into the air to where it was a decent drive for me. Once, I even drove the ball over the water without it even taking a swim, so that pretty much made my day.
    But like the headline says, this was about more than me and my pitiful golf game.
    This event was about raising money to help those who attend Kamp Dovetail every summer.
    As it was my first time attending this golfing event, I realized the $200 price tag that came with playing in the event was worth every cent for those who donated the money to take part in the event, especially after watching the video about what the camp provides.
    This year, the camp will be held June 21-25 at Rocky Fork Lake State Park, titled "Space Camp."
    For those who don't know SATH (Supplementary Assistance to the Handicapped) is a non-profit organization that assists in providing experiences necessary for personal fulfillment and improvement of the quality of life of the handicapped who reside in Adams, Brown, Clinton, Fayette and Highlamd counties.
    As for KAMP Dovetail, they are still in need of sponsors. The camp itself is for special needs children, and several of the kids that attend the camp have trouble getting the money needed to enjoy things that maybe we take for granted on a daily basis.
    Kids are in need of scholarship to go to the camp and they are asking all of us for some help.
    It costs $20 for each camper to attend the weeklong camp. If anyone wants to help out and sponsor a scholarship, you can contact Linda Allen at (937) 393-1904 to help out with the camp.
    The video that was shown after the golf event showed me what the camp is all about, and what it means to the kids who get to attend the camp.
    So even though I went into this event with just wanting to help my golf game, I left the event just hoping in a small way a story of my golf game could help others along the way.
    To donate to KAMP Dovetail send donations to: S.A.T.H./KAMP Dovetail, c/o Linda Allen, 5350 West New Market, Hillsboro, Ohio, 45133.
    Stephen Forsha is the sports editor of The Highland County Press.[[In-content Ad]]

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