Village of Leesburg recognizes local library

Pictured are Leesburg Library staff members: (front, l-r) Kimber Cooper. Suzanne Roberts, Rachel Kirk; and (back, l-r) Chelsey Wyatt, Melinda McGee, Elizabeth Brown and Angie Chaney. (Submitted photo)
On Dec. 18, Leesburg Mayor Rita Smith-Daulton recognized the Leesburg Branch of the Highland County Library.
Leesburg is very fortunate to have the library and the dedicated workers who go above and beyond to provide services to the community.
Under the leadership of Melinda McGee, the staff collaborates with teachers at Fairfield Local Schools to provide books to be used during units of study. A well-planned summer youth reading program encompasses many fun learning experiences, along with guest speakers and hands-on opportunities. A special dog friend, Lola, loves coming to the library so children can read books to her.
Many clubs hold scheduled monthly meetings there, and the Leesburg Luminaria festivities start at the library with the crowning of the King, Queen, Prince and Princess. During December, food items for The Friendly Village Community Center food pantry are collected.
Recently, the library added to its shelves copies of the former Leesburg Citizen newspaper.
Stop in, sign up for a library card, check out a book and talk to Melinda or a staff member to discover more about the exciting happenings taking place at the Leesburg Public Library.
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