Leesburg farmer completes Ohio Corn & Wheat’s Emerging Leader Summit
Leesburg-based farmer Kip Shoemaker joined Ohio Corn & Wheat (OCW) for its Emerging Leader Summit, a two-day program designed to help growers develop skills in leadership, communication and advocacy.
This cohort included 10 participants from across the state of Ohio.
“The Emerging Leaders Summit is our opportunity to equip industry leaders and build on the skills they have already begun developing through their own practices and work,” said Tadd Nicholson, executive director of Ohio Corn & Wheat. “I see a great future for Kip. He has the curiosity and determination needed to be a truly great leader.”
Shoemaker works as a credit officer with Farm Credit Mid America and grows corn and soybeans with his wife, Megan, on their farm.
Shoemaker has a bachelor’s in agribusiness and applied economics from The Ohio State University and has served on both the Highland County Farm Bureau and his local church’s boards.
At the summit, Shoemaker learned more about membership organizations, commodity checkoff programs and policy issue priorities. He also toured the Ohio Statehouse, met with State Senator Tim Schaffer and learned more about affecting change in public policy.
Farmers interested in next year’s Emerging Leader Summit may contact Marlene Eick at meick@ohiocornandwheat.org.
About Ohio Corn & Wheat: Ohio Corn & Wheat works to create opportunities for long-term Ohio corn and small grain grower profitability and houses two checkoffs and one membership-based organization. The Ohio Corn Checkoff and Ohio Small Grains Checkoff work to develop and expand markets, fund research and provide education about corn and wheat, respectively. The Ohio Corn & Wheat Growers Association is a membership organization advocating for supportive public policy on behalf of its farmer members. For more information, visit ohiocornandwheat.org.
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