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  • Deadline Oct. 6 to opt out of electricity aggregation program

    I have had AEP service for more than four decades at my home and business. I am not upset with my AEP billing or service. Had I discarded what at first glance I thought was junk mail, I would have unwittingly changed billing services. No thanks. I'll keep my billing – and more importantly my customer service – with AEP Ohio.
  • 'Best countries' report ignores reality
    There's a right way and a wrong way to enter foreign countries. Some are more tolerant than others. I suspect if U.S. News and World surveyed the estimated 10 to 20 million illegals in the U.S., they would agree, this is the greatest nation on earth. Let's act like it – and let's be grateful that it is. If we can keep it.
  • Laughter really is good medicine
    Yes, laughter is the best medicine. While this column may lack depth (what do you want for nothing, a rubber biscuit?), I'll close with this: Here's to four more years for Turd Ferguson; we all need the jocularity. Thanks, Joe, and the Cackler. Good health to the POTUS.
  • The brave and noble 56
    On Independence Day, July 4, let us not forget to think about the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence and the prices many paid for their respective commitments to forming a new nation.
  • The good, the not-so-good, and the ugly
    Since at least March 2013, Hillsboro city officials have been made aware that the city's lodging (motel) tax was improperly levied. Since 2013, Highland County Prosecutor Anneka Collins has told anyone who would listen that this tax should not have been levied.  So has The Highland County Press.
  • A few kudos, a thank-you or two, and a long goodbye
    This past week’s mail brought a couple of interesting items. First off, while I was anticipating the arrival of a new gas cap for my wife’s Jeep Compass to correct an emissions issue, the package that arrived felt more like a hardcover book than a Jeep gas cap. Much to my surprise, I received a copy of Dr. Robert T. Sharp’s new book, “The Bull in the Darkness and the One-Eyed Dog,” a followup to his well-received classic, “No Dogs in Heaven? Scenes from the Life of a Country Veterinarian.”
  • Happy Mother's Day: And the value of a parental 'no'
    If any of us needed to hear that word more than the others, it was me. There is parental value in saying "no" to some of the whims of your children. They will thank you for it later in life. Happy Mother's Day to all good mothers everywhere.
  • Deadbeat Dad, Granddad of the Year
    A 4-year-old girl is being punished – both financially and inherently – for the sole reason that she had the audacity to be conceived out of wedlock in a brief relationship that proved compromising for the first family. For that, her existence does not register with the Bidens. 
  • Some debate, some concern and some positive news
    Recent public meetings have had ample debate regarding the disbursement of what are taxpayers' dollars. That is not necessarily a bad thing.
  • Make America work again
    When Americans work, our economy is strong. Our communities prosper and the programs that rely on strong employment like Medicare and Social Security are strong. Not to mention, the quality of life for those who get jobs improves for the long term.
  • The can-do spirit of America's small towns
    Special thanks is extended to two area residents – Bob Hodson and Jim Lukens – for recently sharing a bit of local history with The Highland County Press.
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