Who is running the United States?

Rory Ryan
By Rory Ryan
The Highland County Press
Well, I told myself not to watch the prime-time train wreck. I clearly had better things to do. There were two books on the kitchen table to wrap up, Pete Hegseth's "The War on Warriors" and Keith O'Brien's "Charlie Hustle." (Yes, I often read two or three books in the same time frame.)
I could have just turned in early at 9 p.m. Thursday, June 27 and called it a day after five fun hours with my 3-year-old grandson.
But, no. Not me. I tuned in. I watched the train wreck that passed for this year's first – and almost assuredly only – debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
There is no conceivable way the Biden handlers will let that happen again. It was nothing short of a disaster, and even prompted many liberal Democrats to look to the bullpen and see who the DNC has warming up.
Could it be the goofy governor from California? Maybe a third try for Hillary Rodham? Cacklin' Kamala? Michelle O?
Hello, DNC? Please tell me you're not pinning your party's hope and future on Joe Biden.
Actually, please do pin your hopes on Biden. That might be the best thing for this country. Our economy was a heckuva lot better during Trump's four years than Biden's. The world was a lot more peaceful, too. It's the old peace through strength policy. In a rematch, Trump wins easily.
Watching the train wreck, er, debate, I couldn't help but at some point hope one of the debate moderators would borrow a line from "Billy Madison:" Mr. Biden, At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
When Biden wasn't outright lying, his sentences trailed off into no man's land. Mumbling, stumbling, bumbling Biden.
During the debate, Biden made many dubious claims, but the granddaddy (great-great-granddaddy?) of them all was when he claimed that the U.S. Border Patrol endorsed him.
Isn't this the same Border Patrol that Biden falsely vilified three years ago for allegedly "whipping" illegal immigrants?
Naturally, the Border Patrol union wasted no time in denying the alleged endorsement.
The Border Patrol Union, the official union of those employees, posted on social media to the contrary. “To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden,” the Border Patrol Union posted on X on Thursday night.
No kidding.
Biden also said that no troops died during his presidency. Guess old Joe forgot about his Afghanistan travesty and the loss of 13 U.S. service members. How sad for their families.
On Friday, June 28, the Biden campaign insisted he will not drop out of the 2024 race, but there are obvious fractures in the Democrat Party. With less than five months until the general election, many Dems are clamoring for a last-minute change on the ticket after Biden’s disastrous debate performance.
“There is a sense of shock at how he came out at the beginning of this debate. How his voice sounded. He seemed a little disoriented. There are going to be discussions about whether he should continue,” David Axelrod, a top adviser to former President Barack Obama, said.
NBC News reported: "This was like a champion boxer who gets in the ring past his prime and needs his corner to throw in the towel," said a Democratic lawmaker, adding that he meant Biden should exit the race.
Biden acknowledged his poor performance in a speech in North Carolina on Friday, saying, “I know I’m not a young man. I don’t walk as easily as I used to. I don’t talk as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know what I do know: I know how to tell the truth."
(See Border Patrol and Afghanistan, above.)
Erstwhile "conspiracy" theorists have speculated that the country is being managed by the unholy trinity of Barack Obama, Ron Klein and Susan Rice through "Dr." Jill. After the June 27 debate, however, there's no longer any conspiracy theory. It's clear as crystal that Joe Biden is not in charge of anything.
The GOP would be wise to move up its nominating convention prior to Trump's sentencing in July. Other than a new presidential candidate, the last best hope for the Democrats is for Judge Juan Merchan to send Trump to prison. And he likely will.
Rory Ryan is publisher and owner of The Highland County Press, Highland County's only locally owned and operated newspaper for the last 25 years.
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Muslim Obama one of the puppet masters
Most are born with the ability to develop sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception
of the situation or facts... many are not.
I blame "Dr." Jill,. Only an evil and disturbed woman would have allowed the corrupt forces to coerce
Sleepy Joe into 2020. These morally reprehensible people understood that Sleepy Joe, with "Dr." Jill's
help, would be oblivious and follow treasonous orders.
great points and observations
It might not be a good idea to sentence Pres. Trump to prison. First, it will be an obvious political ploy, just all like the trumped-up charges against Trump are political ploys. 78 year-old people do not go to prison over menial first time "convictions." Second, there'll will be a nationwide backlash if this biased judge sends Trump to prison...
Who's is gonna fill-in?
Which eligible Democrat is going to take over the helm of a sinking ship-hole for a strongly possible defeat in November? V.P. Harris would be the easiest and a Constitutional sanctioned replacement, If Joey retires soon. But Harris is really not smart enough or likeable. Gov. Newsome (CA) is chomping at the bit, but can he wait until '28. California has lost enough residents during Newsome's tenure as it is. Hillary is searching her soulless soul. Michelle "my belle" Obama's heart is not in it, when she has a cushy life now, free of stress and she endures just a few criticisms. That leaves the Dems with RFK Jr. Why not? (I hate to give progressives ideas.) Playing with house money there. An older, legacy Dem name with cuckoo policies and ideals. There's no loss if, another Kennedy meets another demise. Politically speaking in RFK Jr.'s case of course. I often think and I often post how, the tragedy of JFK's death sent this Country in an overall depressing tangent: Vietnam, counterculture hippies, Watergate, high taxes, too much spending, and too much progressivism for sure.
Who is running the United States
I think you should replay the Trump responses at the debate . I did not know there are BLACK jobs he will provide . Wonder what type of jobs? Democracy is what is at stake! The public should listen to the Supreme Court justices congressional questions! No president should be above the law! The court has the country set up for a Authoritarian government and your VOTE will not matter.
•••••Publisher's note: As we reported, in his recent opinion Chief Justice Roberts stated, "No president is above the law." All the hyperbole from the radicals does not change the facts. We still have no idea who is running the country.
Many are becoming aware and convinced that an evil cabal of powerful elite figures possessing extreme political and economic power is implementing a totalitarian one-world government. The worldwide plandemic and the ongoing worldwide geoengineering (spraying toxic aerosols into our atmosphere 24/7) are proof that so called world leaders are not in charge.
The worldwide toxic geoengineering is happening right above your heads. Perpetually gray toxic skies
with the toxic gray mist falling all the way to the ground... LOOK! There are factual sources, beyond mainstream, for your own research.
God's Calling of People
I discovered this page after reading my Bible. The few comments on here sums up just about everything that God is revealing to us. We are seeing the power that Satan has over man and leading his army to control us all which then comes death. While we are fulfilling purposes and fishing souls to bring home to Lord Jesus, we anxiously wait his 2nd coming. I live by Hillsboro and was shocked yet relieved to see this Highland County Press is right in my domain. I felt compelled to leave a comment. I don't think voting matters anymore because it's completely controlled. God is in control and we have control as long as our vessels serve him. We the people must come together and fight back until his return. The FB county groups are hijacked and all promote the cvd shot and lock downs. What is your plan to reach the church(the temple) brothers and sisters in Christ quicker than this is manifesting? There doesn't seem to be much of anything besides all of their platforms and they have hidden, limited and manipulated our accounts. There is no freedom anymore without fact checking and we all know fact checkers don't like missed information spread. Hope to see more comments of the truth being shared. I have faith and the Lord gives me hope but this page did as well being so close to home.
Conspiracy Theories
After last night and most of the Supreme Court decisions this week I have concluded Conspiracy Theories are often more realistic and truthful than “Fact Checkers.”