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  • The color green

    Of course, I love the color green. It does rhyme with Christine, after all, but honestly, there is another so very important reason why I hold this color near and hold near and dear to my heart.
  • Daring to dream
    If we had never dared to dream, we would never have had the chance to see our dreams come true. I now know that it won’t be long at all before we pack up our toothbrushes and carry them across the gravel driveway to move into what really is our dream home.
  • Making hay
    It seems that I have always known the expression “make hay while the sun still shines” and understood it to mean that one should take advantage of the chance to do something while the conditions for doing so are favorable. I now know that understanding – and really knowing – are actually quite different.
  • Thankful wishes
    I was thankful for the cold weather. It brought with it one of my favorite pastimes, sitting in the rocker by the wood stove, soaking up the heat, at the end of a long winter day, but more pragmatically, it brought with it the ease of walking across the frozen ground to do the animal chores.
  • Thankful wishes
    I was thankful for the cold weather. It brought with it one of my favorite pastimes, sitting in the rocker by the wood stove, soaking up the heat, at the end of a long winter day, but more pragmatically, it brought with it the ease of walking across the frozen ground to do the animal chores.
  • Kitchen world
    I smile, knowing without a doubt that a kitchen can be so much more than its definition of a place where food is prepared and cooked. I know without a doubt that every kitchen has the ability to be its own very special corner of the world.
  • Kitchen world
    I smile, knowing without a doubt that a kitchen can be so much more than its definition of a place where food is prepared and cooked. I know without a doubt that every kitchen has the ability to be its own very special corner of the world.
  • My favorite doors
    I am constantly reminded how thankful I am for the life that Greg and I share. But I really should let you know that I am just a wee bit curious as to what door I will find him building next!
  • My favorite doors
    I am constantly reminded how thankful I am for the life that Greg and I share. But I really should let you know that I am just a wee bit curious as to what door I will find him building next!
  • A not-so-civilized walk
    After we finished the daily chores, we decided to take a bit of time off and go for a walk with the dogs. We thought, however, that we would not take our usual walk along the creek, but that we would rather take a walk through civilization – with leashes.
  • A not-so-civilized walk
    After we finished the daily chores, we decided to take a bit of time off and go for a walk with the dogs. We thought, however, that we would not take our usual walk along the creek, but that we would rather take a walk through civilization – with leashes.
  • Fall gourds
    So this is fall. When I glance in the rear-view mirror as I drive down the road to the cabin, I see a swirling cloud of leaves rolling in my wake.
  • Fall gourds
    So this is fall. When I glance in the rear-view mirror as I drive down the road to the cabin, I see a swirling cloud of leaves rolling in my wake.
  • Special people
    This story is not about the creek, or the animals, or anything at all about the valley we call home. It is about people – all different sorts of wonderful, yet different people. I had been planning a gathering, a family rendezvous, in the city some know as the Big Apple.
  • Special people
    This story is not about the creek, or the animals, or anything at all about the valley we call home. It is about people – all different sorts of wonderful, yet different people. I had been planning a gathering, a family rendezvous, in the city some know as the Big Apple.
  • My grandmother's kerchief
    Certainly, over the past 20 years, I would occasionally open the drawer, and sort through the bright colors and bold patterns, but I would always carefully fold them back up and put them away until another day, but not this time. 
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