Local students complete 'I am a child of Highland County' leadership program

Pictured are Fairfield High School participants, along with Jamie Chaney of HCCAO and Ms. Buddelmeyer of FHS.
Throughout the 2022-23 school year, high school students from Fairfield and Whiteoak participated in the first year of the 'I am a child of Highland County' leadership program.
This program was made possible through partnership between Highland County Community Action Org. (HCCAO) and the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio.
The students who participated joined Community Action staff Jamie Chaney, Bright Local staff Ms. Emery and Fairfield staff Ms. Buddelmeyer on various monthly trips around the county to learn about our villages, city, history, education, businesses, natural resources, social service agencies and government.
The students were able to interact and ask questions to gain a deeper knowledge of Highland County and the various opportunities that exist.
The students were selected by their schools to take part in the program and all local school districts were invited to participate at the beginning of the year.
HCCAO hopes to continue this program in the future. The final activity was held at the Jefferson Street Business Center in Greenfield, where students served lunched to local older adults at the HCCAO Senior Congregate dining hall.
This activity was chosen, planned and carried out by the students as they wanted to finish the program with a community service project.
Pictured are Whiteoak High School participants.