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  • We are not unisex, people

    Have you ever walked down the sidewalk, determined to be friendly and cheerful that particular day, and looked up to see someone coming toward you, but you couldn’t figure out whether to say, “Good morning, sir” or Good morning, miss?” 
  • From 'oops,' to 'wow'
    Yes, Jimmy B. was special, no doubt. But he became the man he was because he was smart enough to lean on his faith. He leaned on a God that he recognized as being a lot more able than himself.
  • The seduction of hopelessness
    Do. Not. Give. Up. Giving up creates hopelessness. And hopelessness creates a huge black hole of depression and deadness in you. When you quit caring about anything in life, you stop living, even though your heart continues beating. 
  • Do you dread Christmas?
    Many people find this particular holiday season to be full of heartache, or a nameless void. They can feel a myriad of unwelcome emotions that threaten to overwhelm and sink them into a black hole.
  • It's not the 4-year-old, it's the parents
    This normal, energetic, intelligent and charming little one had only one problem, and it wasn’t him. It was his parents.
  • Thanksgiving: A time to save
    This time I choose to tell a very different truth, one that I fear smacks way too many folks right in their face. That truth? Thanksgiving Day means Christmas Day is only 27 panicky, stressful days away! 
  • The 'drunken' pastor among us
    Everyone else is also observing your life and choosing to believe what they want to believe. No matter whether they have checked the story with you or not. I imagine you would appreciate those around you holding their tongue until they hear the truth from the horse’s mouth. Instead of choosing to believe the worst.
  • Mighty thin pancakes in this world
    Ever listened to two people or two groups argue? Both opponents believe there is only one real truth – MINE!  
  • When work becomes a pile of cold ashes
    Ever created your own mess, and then had to try for a couple of days to find a way out of it? Ending up stressed out and physically exhausted?
  • Listen to the old gambler
    A grizzled old man observed with trained eyes and alert ears as the novice young man did his best to hold his own at a table filled with experienced, skillful gamblers and crooked card sharks. Needless to say, things were going from bad to worse.
  • 'Naked'
    I am not going to write about naked bodies and the image that phrase seems to conjure up to people. The focus of this column, the nakedness I am writing about? Your future. The naked, unvarnished truth straight out of the Bible, about your eternity.
  • Scared spitless? Join the crowd
    Forcing myself out of bed, I have a choice of things to worry about from a buffet of disasters; the people ravaged by Hurricane Helene, the entire state of Florida that, even as I am writing, face Milton the Monster, and a presidential election that is threatening to engulf our entire nation in an internal war against ourselves. 
  • When babies behave better than adults
    There is a terrifying amount of “I want what I want, and I will accept no less!” surrounding this presidential election. 
  • Bad times buddy
    Horrible times do come, but He has promised His friends that He will be there. To never abandon us.
  • Horse blinders
    The result of feeling isolated for years with her pain suddenly erupted from a mouth that had seemingly lost all control of itself.
  • When 'I'm sorry' just doesn't cut it
    You stepped out there and thoroughly blew it, and you knew it. All you could do was apologize. Knowing you were wrong you went ahead…you said “I’m sorry.” 
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