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  • Fire district best option

    It is time for Hillsboro Fire and Rescue to work hand in hand with their brotherhood of firefighters but to also work with the city and help ease some of the burden off of the backs of the people of Hillsboro.
  • South Central Power Company appreciates support, patience
    We take very seriously the trust you’ve placed in us to provide reliable electric service at an affordable price. That continues to be our commitment to you.
  • City council needs to take control
    The serious situation with the ongoing debate over local fire and EMS coverage dates back to past city of Hillsboro administrations. There has been enough blame to go around. It is time for city administrators, city council and township trustees to listen to the voters and taxpayers. There is no need to rush into contracts with other districts. You can work this out.
  • Thanks to utility workers for restoring services
    A huge “Thank You” and High-5 to the power company employees, and any linemen from government groups who once again rescued the community from a natural calamity.
  • Firefighter asks: What's the rush for Hillsboro to join Paint district?
    To the board members of Paint Creek and the trustees and council members of the areas considering joining this district, I ask: What's the rush? This is June. You have until August to put this on the ballot and hear from your residents. This will give you the peace of mind of knowing where your constituents stand and allow this district to iron out the wrinkles of taking on the city of Hillsboro.
  • Public notice of commissioners' May 31 meeting in question
    The Highland County commissioners are in direct violation of your legal counsel for conducting these extra recess sessions, as well as being in violation of the previously referenced Public Meetings Act, as I believe that extra meetings being held up to 24 hours after the start of the regular meeting should be defined as a "special meeting" as discussed in ORC 121.22 Paragraph F.
  • Senior Center presents enriching event
    We applaud the Highland County businesses that chose to support this endeavor and Mechell Frost, director of the Senior Center, for organizing it and would like to encourage the planning of more of these kinds of events.
  • Parent questions school's handling of sports incident
    On May 15, while playing an away game, my daughter and another player misplayed a ball in the field. When the inning was over, my daughter ran to the dugout and was met by one of the coaches. The coach proceeded to push by daughter's left shoulder hard enough to where she stumbled and bumped into a teammate. When this happened, I saw another of our coaches drop his head and walk away.
  • Options for city, townships
    Prepare a multi-year contract for Fire Protection/EMS now. The townships have proposed such a three-year contract. Restore the firefighting capabilities of the Hillsboro Fire Department. Use the three-year period to study the issue and identify the steps needed to implement a new Fire District to become effective January 2016.
  • Seeking resolution to lake association issue
    We would like to get this issue resolved as to the validity of the CCRs as to the amount of money that is charged by the Board of EHCA. The board must follow the CCRs as well as the members as they do the annual billing to the members, as this is the only contract between ECHA and membership.
  • May 25 is National Missing Children's Day
    If you would like to join the National Child Watch Team, call me or send me an email. If you would like a report of the 25 ways to make kids safer, I will send you more information. This is a growing concern everywhere; the last time I looked up the registered sexual predators in this county, there were over 100.
  • Getting to a number for EMS and Fire service
    We have $305.36 per township resident vs. $162.27 per city resident per call/incident. Now, keep in mind, this is with the $22 per-person contract. The townships are now offering $30. So ask yourself, who is subsidizing who?
  • Stop arguing and solve the Fire/EMS problem
    We cannot change the past – we cannot predict the future – we can act responsively now. Venus does talk to Mars. No one has to win the argument, we just need to solve the problem.
  • Why I support Sen. Sherrod Brown
    Senator Brown has demonstrated consistent strong support for veterans and military families throughout his career. Mr. Mandel is, at best, an unknown.
  • An open letter to the citizens of Jackson Township
    If you want to join a township fire district (Mowrystown, for example), please let our trustees know that. If you want to join the new district the city thinks it can form, please let our trustees know that. Whatever your opinion is in this matter, PLEASE contact our trustees now and let them know what you think should be done. They want to hear from you because they are trying to do something for your benefit. Please help them.
  • Under the Obama Administration, bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive
    When President Obama took office the stock market stood at just over 8,000 and now is over 13,000. This is over a 50% increase since President Obama took office. These numbers certainly show how ridiculous all the socialist and communist talk is.
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