Highland County commissioners David Daniels, Brad Roades and Terry Britton met with various department heads Wednesday, July 31, as their meeting included updates on economic development, finances and building maintenance.
Highland County Sheriff Randy Sanders announced Tuesday that charges have been filed against a North Carolina man accused of attacking two HCSO deputies during an incident on state Route 41.
The Highland County Community Fund (HCCF) in partnership with the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio is accepting grant applications from nonprofits, schools and public organizations for projects and programs benefiting Highland County residents and communities.
The Highland County Dog Pound has the following dogs available for adoption or rescue pulls as of July 29, listed courtesy of the Friends of the Highland County Dog Pound.
It isn’t a well-kept secret that I’m a big fan of three levels of football … high school, college and professional. It also isn’t much of a secret that Friday nights watching high school football are maybe my favorite part of the job of being a sports editor.