Hillsboro Garden Club holds July meeting and potluck
By Lynn Luman
Hillsboro Garden Club
The July meeting of the Hillsboro Garden Club was brought to order by president Jennifer West leading the Pledge of Allegiance and singing “God Bless America.”
Lynn Luman, club secretary, took roll call with 13 members and two guests answering the question, “What is your most bothersome weed?”
The July tip of the month: If you own two loaves of bread, sell one and buy a hyacinth.
Treasurer Ruth Anna Duff provided the monthly financial report.
Judith Stivender showcased her Anigozanthus, also called Kangaroo Paw. The desert-type flower, which is native of Southwestern Australia, is not a prolific grower, preferring sandy soil. Bloom colors include yellow, chartreuse, orange and red.
For new business, West shared information from Barbara Meyers, the horticulture chair with OAGC (Ohio Association of Garden Clubs), concerning summer garden care and weed control.
The Hillsboro Garden Club would like to offer a heartfelt “THANK YOU” to Dr. Jennifer Vance with Colonial Animal Clinic for returning scrapbooks and other memorabilia from the early years of the organization recently found in their building. These scrapbooks, thought lost, are visual representations of the history of the HGC. Again, Dr. Vance, thank you!
Luman also provided information to members on the upcoming Orchid Fest in Kettering, Ohio next month, while member Helen Roe passed out fair books for the upcoming Highland County Fair.
For members, there are still open slots for fair duty that need to be filled. Call Luman for details or sign up at the August meeting.
Duff made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Larry Moore. Members then enjoyed a potluck dinner with Luman offering grace and thanksgiving for the meal.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, Aug. 23 in the floral hall at the Highland County Fairgrounds at 6:30 p.m. to clean the building and fill bottles and jars for the fair with Luman and Mary Smith serving as hostesses.