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Rockets claim share of SHAC boys soccer title

The Highland County Press - Staff Photo - Create Article
(Photo courtesy of Michelle Gleim)
Michelle Gleim, Southern Hills Athletic Conference

The Fayetteville boys soccer team tied for first place in the Southern Hills Athletic Conference with a league record of 6-1.

Pictured for the Rockets are: (front, l-r) Owen Craig, Charlie Jordan, Jacob Rosselot, Warren Murphy, Teegan Doughman, Jaxon Rash, Hayden Coyle, Landon Smith; and (back, l-r) Coach Danny Espinoza, Keegan Craycraft, Tyler Short, Alex Williamson, Kendall Holden, Blake Rugenstein, Ryder Luncan, Taven Pride, Hunter Brewsaugh, Ricky Luncan and Coach Jon Williamson.