Triple-L 4-H Club holds March meetings
Makayla Duncan-
The Triple-L 4-H Club met Sunday, March 21 at the home of advisor Jaime Simmons. Nineteen members attended the meeting.
President Tori Priest led the meeting. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Morgan Shepard. Brenna Simmons led the group in the 4-H pledge. Demonstrations were given by 14 members.
Triple-L 4-H Club met again on March 28. President Tori Priest led the meeting. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Brenna Simmons. Makayla Duncan led the group in the 4-H pledge. Seven members gave their demonstrations.
The group will begin selling candy bars on April 17. On May 1, the group will hold a bake sale at the Hillsboro Walmart.
The club created posters to remind the community to vote for Issue 5 during the May election.
Our next meeting will be April 18, and we will have an Easter egg hunt.
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