Three Arts Club holds March meeting
Submitted by Nancy Shaffer-
The March 16 meeting of the Lynchburg Three Arts Club was held at the home of Denise Minton. Minton, the president, called the meeting to order by having Becky Davidson read the club collect. Seven members answered roll call by naming a talent that others may not know about.
The minutes of the December meeting, given by secretary Carolyn Braley, were read and approved. Our February meeting was canceled because of bad weather. The treasurer's report was given by Davidson, the treasurer. A thank you, sent by Dori Bishop of the Special Outreach Program, was read. The Highland County Children's Services sent a thank you for our contribution at Christmas.
Colleen Mount will arrange items from our club history, brought in by Braley, for the third grade "Then And Now, Our Local History" display at the Lynchburg-Clay grade school that will be on display before their musical program on Monday, March 22.
Our April dinner meeting will be held at Dakota's Restaurant. Cathy Farkas will have our May meeting.
The meeting was adjourned to a program, "Time and Talents: Things You Can Do For Your Community." Carolyn Hastings, one of our newly elected Town Counsel members, was invited to speak on her personal volunteering to help better the community of Lynchburg. She volunteers at the library and carries a bag with her when she is on the "Neighborhood Watch" and picks up trash as she goes.
Hastings organizes the Food Bank that has come to Lynchburg twice so far and is coming again. She asks for donations to the Food Bank if there is not enough money. The Lynchburg grade school had a money-making project for people in need that enabled them to donate toward the next Food Bank. The Food Bank has served over 100 families each time it has come to Lynchburg. There are 20 volunteers, whom Hastings organizes.
Hastings has also organized events for children. They had a dance, which 300 children attended. There are other events in the planning stages. There is going to be a clean-up day in Lynchburg, and the mayor, Jeremy Shaffer, has received a grant combined with donations from other community project Marvin Resibois headed to build a park at the old grade school grounds. We can be proud of all the people who are trying to make our community a better place to live.
The birthday auction was won by Ellen Pennington. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess to: Denise Minton, Nancy Lippert, Carolyn Braley, Cathy Farkus, Ellen Pennington, Becky Davidson, Nancy Shaffer, and guest speaker Carolyn Hastings.
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