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Here comes the Haunted Hills! Starting  Friday night ! (October 2)

Autumn brings lots of special things - things that we all look forward to. One of these things that has become an area tradition because it 's such fun and has been going on for soo long is the Haunted Hills at Magic Waters. Considered "The Place to Be" for Halloween fun and scares, this Fall activity is a favorite of kids on dates, youth groups, and families alike. Scary as can be, it is also "family friendly." The main attraction at the Haunted  Hills is the eerie torch- lit walking trail through the Magic Waters Woods behind the theatre where all manner of strange creatures seem to resent the intrusion of the "guests",  but many folks come especially to enjoy the ghost stories and magic around the campfire by Boonie the Magician. That part of the Haunted Hills is on-going, however you never know what new  and different things to expect on the trail. Every year  the Magic Waters folks come up with  new scary  experiences along the way. "Tradition  mixed with Innovation" describes the Haunted Hills-- so does "The Best Haunted Fun Anywhere!" The Haunted Hills happens every Friday Saturday and Sunday night in October. Gates open at 7 PM and you can get on the trail at dark (closer to 8pm), but you'll be entertained by Boonie as you wait to get on the trail. On Friday and Saturdays they stop selling tickets at 11 PM and on Sundays at 10 PM.  Admission prices are: Adult- $7.00 and Child-$4.00. There are group rates for groups of 20 or more who have called to arrange such, and often youth groups  call ahead to arrange an earlier in the evening special party.(Then they can be first on the trail and get home earlier.) Many October birthday parties are also held at the Haunted Hills! Don't forget about "Trick or Treat with the Monsters" which happens closer to Halloween. Great Fun for the kiddies! For more information, to arrange for groups rates or for a party, or to register your child for Trick or Treat with the Monsters call (937) 365-1388. [[In-content Ad]]

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