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Community Happenings

Orders accepted
for SWCD tree seedlings

Windy days remind us how useful windbreak trees are. Effective windbreak
plantings save energy dollars, paying for themselves many times over the
years. Now is the perfect time to start planning for your spring plantings
by ordering tree seedlings through the Highland Soil and Water Conservation
District’s Annual Tree Seedling Sale. This year’s sale will offer hardy
seedlings, as well as wildflower seed packets and white vinyl flags. This is
a great opportunity to make purchases at a minimal price with a maximum
long-range benefit. There will be a variety of tree seedling packets offered
on a first come, first serve basis so be sure to get your order in early.
The pick up dates will be April 1-2 at the Liberty Township building in
Hillsboro. Because of the low cost, we cannot furnish seedling replacements,
nor can we mail or deliver your order. Keep in mind that these trees are
only seedlings and are from one to two years of age with and average height
of 8 to 10 inches. Most orders will fit in a regular size grocery bag. Order
forms can be picked up at the Highland SWCD office located at 514 Harry
Sauner Road, Suite 2 in Hillsboro or by contacting our office at
937-393-1922, ext#3.

Hollowtown Church 
of Christ plans revival

Hollowtown Church of Christ will host a revival March 28-31. Evangelist Dick
Chambers is the guest speaker. Special music begins at 6:45 p.m. nightly,
with services at 7 p.m.

Poultry Association
Flea Market May 1-2

The annual Highland County Poultry Association Flea Market will be held May
1-2 at the Highland County Fairgrounds. Many spots will be available for all
types of vendors. Food will be sold by the Highland County Poultry
Association, but other food items may be sold. All spots are 10x12; inside
spots cost $25 and outside spots cost $10. For more information, contact
Janie Angles at 937-393-2357. Please respond by Friday, April 30.

Open Door free meal

The monthly Open Door free meal in Greenfield will be held on Saturday,
March 27 from 4-5:30 p.m. The menu will be beef stew, corn bread, slaw, and
apple sauce. 

Fundraising dinner 
set for March 27

There will be a spaghetti dinner Saturday, March 27 from 5-8 p.m. at the 4-H
Building, Highland County Fairgrounds as a fundraiser for the primary levy
to support OSU Extension. Donations of items for a raffle would be

Person to Person
Ministries classes

   Dr. Johnny Pressley will present a class, “The Devil” on April 1, 6, 15,
and 22 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. each night at Person to Person Ministries at 5845
state Route 124. All sessions will be available at the seminar and following
the seminar on CD or DVD. If you will be unable to attend and would like to
purchase a set of this program, please contact Person to Person Ministries
at (937) 840-9071 or email at To register, call 840-9071.

Hillsboro FFA
banquet March 28

   The 2010 Hillsboro FFA banquet will be held on Sunday, March 28. This
year’s banquet will be held at the new Hillsboro High School cafeteria. The
meal will be provided and served at 1 p.m. Shortly after the completion of
the dinner, the program will begin at approximately 2 p.m. The Hillsboro FFA
Chapter holds the FFA Banquet annually to bring a close to all of the
achievements of the chapter as well as the contributions of others.

Easter bake sale
in Lynchburg

   St. Paul Lutheran Church, located at the corner of Pearl Street and
Eastern Avenue in Lynchburg, will be holding an Easter bake sale on
Saturday, March 27 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Cakes, cookies, brownies, breads,
sweet rolls, dinner rolls, pies, candy, cheeseballs, and assorted other
items will be sold. Raffle tickets for a gift basket will also be sold.

Fairview revival

   A revival will be held March 28-31 at 7 p.m. nightly at Fairview Church
of Christ, 4200 U.S. 50 west, Hillsboro. Evangelist George Faull, musicians
Bobby and Carolyn Delaney, and minister Larry Herdman will be featured. The
Diggles Family will be providing praise and worship music at the Fairview
Church of Christ on Sunday, March 21 at 6:30 p.m. Refreshments will follow.
For more information on the Diggles Family, visit

Easter egg hunt

   A Community Easter Egg Hunt will be held at Union Church of Christ at
3021 N. Taylorsville Road on March 28 starting at 4:30 p.m. Children ages
0-6th grade are welcome to participate. A meal will be provided for adults
and children. For information, call Andrew Johnson at 442-3614.

Starting March 2, the First United Methodist Church’s Our Daily Bread
program will be serving a free lunch every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30
a.m.-1 p.m. Everyone welcome, no reservations needed.

Fairview revival
held March 28-31

   A revival will be held March 28-31 at 7 p.m. nightly at Fairview Church
of Christ, 4200 U.S. 50 west, Hillsboro. Evangelist George Faull, musicians
Bobby and Carolyn Delaney, and minister Larry Herdman will be featured.

Agriculture Day March 27

The Highland County Farm Bureau is hosting its Agriculture Day event on
Saturday, March 27 at the Highland County Fairgrounds. The activities begin
at 9 a.m. and end at noon, and they include a pancake and omelet breakfast,
a kiddie tractor pull, a petting zoo, a safety demonstration for lawn
equipment provided by John Deer and Five Points Implement, an Easter egg
hunt for all the children, and several other educational activities. All of
these events including the breakfast are free and provided by the Farm
Bureau. RSVP at 1-800-443-6830.

Colony concert March 27
   Landon Williams and The Stone Country Band, with singers Landon
Williams, Larry Alexander, Glenn Merritt, Linda Torre, and more will be
performing at the Colony Theater on March 27 at 7:30 p.m. Admission is $8.

PERI meeting April 8
    The Highland County Chapter of Public Employee Retirees, Inc. will meet
on April 8 at 10 a.m. at the Highland County Senior Citizen Center, 185
Muntz St., Hillsboro. The program will be presented by Mr. Jim Baer,
president and CEO of Highland District Hospital.
   All members and guests are invited to attend.

Documentary on polio
debuts on HBO April 1
   * “The Final Inch,” a 38-minute film that chronicles the challenges
health organizations and governments face during the final stages of polio
eradication, will air on HBO on April 1 at 8 p.m. Commissioned by the
philanthropic division of Google, the film was nominated for an Academy
Award in the documentary short subject category.
   Since 1985, Rotary, an international humanitarian service organization,
has contributed more than $700 million to the eradication of polio.
   For more than 20 years, Rotary has led the private sector in the global
effort to rid the world of this crippling disease. In addition to providing
financial and volunteer support, Rotary works to urge support from other
public and private sector partners.
   This include the campaign to End Polio Now, inspired by the
extraordinary challenge grants received from the Bill & Melinda Gates
   The Hillsboro Rotary club recently conducted a local Polio Awareness
campaign. The club would like to thank everyone who participated in the
campaign. Over $128 in spare change was raised.
   The proceeds will be divided equally between Rotary’s End Polio Now
campaign and the local Society for Children and Adults.

Easter-related services
   * On Thursday, April 1, the Hillsboro First Presbyterian Church will
observe a Christian Seder service and meal beginning at 6:30 p.m. The Lord's
Supper will be observed during the meal, as Jesus did with his
disciples. The service incorporates the Passover meal with a Christian
understanding. You are asked to bring a covered dish to share, table
service, and a hard-boiled egg for each member of the family. Drinks will be
   * A community Good Friday service will be held at the St. Mary’s
Episcopal Church at 7 p.m. The Rev. Maurice Mitchell, First Presbyterian
Church, will be the speaker. The offering will go to the Transient Fund and
Samaritan Outreach.
   * On Easter morning, the First Presbyterian Church will hold a Sunrise
Service at the Liberty Park shelter house. Services will begin at 7 a.m.
Wear warm clothing and bring a blanket.
   * The First Presbyterian Church will hold a 10 a.m. Easter service. The
sanctuary will be decorated with many spring flowers.
   There will be beautiful music to celebrate our Lord’s resurrection. Join
your church family for this time of remembering and celebration.

Clay Township
Easter egg hunt

   The annual Easter egg hunt at the Clay Township Park in Buford will be
held 1:30 p.m. Sunday, March 28. There will be lots of candy, prizes and fun
for all ages. For information, call 937-288-2316.

Greenfield Rotary
talent search

   The annual Greenfield Rotary telethon for the Society for Children and
Adults is coming up fast. The date for this year’s special benefit event is
March 31, and as usual will be held at the McClain H.S. auditorium where it
will be  broadcast live both on radio and TV. This worthy organization helps
local folks in need in many ways. A similar  telecast is also held in
Hillsboro the same evening. Dave Brizius who is in charge of talent for the
Greenfield portion is searching for local folks who would enjoy helping the
society and Rotary by showcasing their talent that evening. Talent of all
sort will be considered. Contact Dave at (937) 365-1388 to let him know of
your interest in taking part.

Sinking Spring 
UMM soup supper

   There will be a soup supper, Friday, March 26 at the Sinking Spring
United Methodist Church.  The supper will begin at 5 p.m. and continue until
sold out. The event is being sponsored by the Men’s Fellowship Group of the
church. The menu will include ham and beans, vegetable soup, chili, oyster
soup, corn bread, homemade pies and cakes, coffee, tea and soft drinks. A
freewill donation will be accepted. The supper is being held in the
Fellowship Hall of the United Methodist Church in Sinking Spring.

Whiteoak Valley
Grange supper

   The Whiteoak Valley Grange, East Main Street, Mowrystown will be holding
the annual soup supper from 4-7 p.m., Saturday, April 10. A variety of
homemade soups, sandwiches, desserts and drinks will be offered for a
donation. Also, a reminder of the monthly card parties held on the third
Saturday. Progressive euchre is the main game; however, other card and board
games are available for those who do not play euchre. Token prizes are
awarded. The cost is $1.50 per person to play. Food and drinks are
available. The fun begins at 7 p.m. All proceeds from these events will
benefit the Whiteoak Valley Grange. For more information, call 937-446-2070
or 937-442-4704.

Magic Waters Theatre
auditions announced

   Magic Waters Theatre has announced the dates for their 2010 auditions –
April 17-18 (from 1-5 p.m.) There is no need to attend both days. Although
they cast some extremely experienced actors, total novices to the stage are
also welcome to try out. The tryouts will be held on their stage on Cave
Road, weather permitting. Should it be raining they will be moved to the
producers’ home on the same road. No preparation is needed as audition
materials will be provided. There will be parts for children, teenagers,
adults and seniors. Call (937) 365-1388 for more information.

Bainbridge Presbyterian
Church spring fling

   Bainbridge Presbyterian Church will be hosting a spring fling Saturday,
March 27 from 5-7 p.m. The event is open to the public. A ham dinner with
all the trimmings will be served. Free will offering. There will also be a
rummage sale. The church is located at 200 North Maple St.

Lynchburg Fire Dept.
hosts fish fry April 2

On Friday, April 2, Lynchburg Fire and Rescue will be hosting a fish fry
from 5-8 p.m. Dine in or carry-out available. Call 937-364-2915. Dessert
donations are greatly appreciated.

Buford songfest March 27

The Buford Community Church will having a songfest on Saturday, March
27 at 7 p.m.m Everyone is invited to come out and worship with us in
song. There will be special music for the evening. If you have a song
you would like to share, please bring it with you. We would love to
add you to the program. The church is located in the heart of Buford
on Greenbush East Road. For more information, call 937-446-2966.

Greenfield Farmers’ Market

Those interested in participating in the Greenfield Farmers’ Market
this summer are invited to join us on Wednesday, April 7 from 6-7 p.m.
at the Greenfield Public Library.

At this meeting we will be signing up members and sharing ideas for
the upcoming season. Please contact
Ellie Cleland at 937-403-4790 or Eric Zint at 937-981-2454 for more


The Leesburg Lions Club is sponsoring a Soup Supper March 27,  at the
Leesburg United Methodist Church.  Serving time is 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM.
There will be chili soup, bean soup and potato soup plus beverages and
desserts. The cost is a freewill donation.  All are invited to attend.
Proceeds from the supper will be used to help support Kamp Dovetail and
other Lion projects in the community.

Help Me Grow is hosting an Easter playgroup at the Pondo Center from
10 a.m.-noon on Wednesday, March 31.

VFW Post 9094 is hosting a fish fry on Saturday, April 3 from 4:30-7
p.m. The price is $7 and includes all the fish you can eat, fries,
slaw, hush puppies, and soft drinks. The event is at VFW Post 9094
behind Dairy Queen and is open to the public.

American Legion Post 568 will hold their annual Easter egg hunt April
3 at 2 p.m. at the Highland Community Park for ages 0-12.

The Odd Fellows will be hosting an Easter Egg Hunt fundraiser. This
event will include kids and adults. A bunny hop race, duck pond game,
pin the egg on the basket, 50/50 drawing, Easter bingo, a raffle,
food, and much more will also be featured. The event will be held
April 3 at 1 p.m. at 2158 State route 73 in Belfast. Look for signs.
The event is open to the public and everyone is welcome. For more
information, please call 764-1527 or 764-1162.

Highland County Children Services will be hosting a spaghetti dinner
in recognition of April’s Child Abuse Prevention Month on Tuesday,
April 6 from 6-8 p.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church in Hillsboro.
Special presentations will be given recognizing the achievements of
individuals and organizations. Please RSVP by March 22 by calling
(937) 393-3111 ext. 101 or 800-406-3822.

Hollowtown Church of Christ will host a revival March 28-31. Evangelist Dick
Chambers is the guest speaker. Special music begins at 6:45 p.m. nightly,
with services at 7 p.m.

Poultry Association
Flea Market May 1-2

The annual Highland County Poultry Association Flea Market will be held May
1-2 at the Highland County Fairgrounds. Many spots will be available for all
types of vendors. Food will be sold by the Highland County Poultry
Association, but other food items may be sold. All spots are 10x12; inside
spots cost $25 and outside spots cost $10. For more information, contact
Janie Angles at 937-393-2357. Please respond by Friday, April 30.

Open Door free meal

The monthly Open Door free meal in Greenfield will be held on Saturday,
March 27 from 4-5:30 p.m. The menu will be beef stew, corn bread, slaw, and
apple sauce. 

Fundraising dinner 
set for March 27

There will be a spaghetti dinner Saturday, March 27 from 5-8 p.m. at the 4-H
Building, Highland County Fairgrounds as a fundraiser for the primary levy
to support OSU Extension. Donations of items for a raffle would be

Person to Person
Ministries classes

   Dr. Johnny Pressley will present a class, “The Devil” on April 1, 6, 15,
and 22 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. each night at Person to Person Ministries at 5845
state Route 124. All sessions will be available at the seminar and following
the seminar on CD or DVD. If you will be unable to attend and would like to
purchase a set of this program, please contact Person to Person Ministries
at (937) 840-9071 or email at To register, call 840-9071.

Hillsboro FFA
banquet March 28

   The 2010 Hillsboro FFA banquet will be held on Sunday, March 28. This
year’s banquet will be held at the new Hillsboro High School cafeteria. The
meal will be provided and served at 1 p.m. Shortly after the completion of
the dinner, the program will begin at approximately 2 p.m. The Hillsboro FFA
Chapter holds the FFA Banquet annually to bring a close to all of the
achievements of the chapter as well as the contributions of others.

Easter bake sale
in Lynchburg

   St. Paul Lutheran Church, located at the corner of Pearl Street and
Eastern Avenue in Lynchburg, will be holding an Easter bake sale on
Saturday, March 27 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Cakes, cookies, brownies, breads,
sweet rolls, dinner rolls, pies, candy, cheeseballs, and assorted other
items will be sold. Raffle tickets for a gift basket will also be sold.

Fairview revival

   A revival will be held March 28-31 at 7 p.m. nightly at Fairview Church
of Christ, 4200 U.S. 50 west, Hillsboro. Evangelist George Faull, musicians
Bobby and Carolyn Delaney, and minister Larry Herdman will be featured. The
Diggles Family will be providing praise and worship music at the Fairview
Church of Christ on Sunday, March 21 at 6:30 p.m. Refreshments will follow.
For more information on the Diggles Family, visit

Easter egg hunt

   A Community Easter Egg Hunt will be held at Union Church of Christ at
3021 N. Taylorsville Road on March 28 starting at 4:30 p.m. Children ages
0-6th grade are welcome to participate. A meal will be provided for adults
and children. For information, call Andrew Johnson at 442-3614.

Starting March 2, the First United Methodist Church’s Our Daily Bread
program will be serving a free lunch every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30
a.m.-1 p.m. Everyone welcome, no reservations needed.

Fairview revival
held March 28-31

   A revival will be held March 28-31 at 7 p.m. nightly at Fairview Church
of Christ, 4200 U.S. 50 west, Hillsboro. Evangelist George Faull, musicians
Bobby and Carolyn Delaney, and minister Larry Herdman will be featured.

Adena/Greenfield in
need of volunteers

   Adena Greenfield Medical Center is seeking enthusiastic volunteers.
   A willing spirit and warm smile is all you need. Volunteers have
flexible hours and the satisfaction of sincere thanks and appreciation from
the community.
   For more information, contact Rosemary Kropfelder at 937-981-3907, or
stop by the hospital lobby Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to noon, or 1-4

Elections Board 
issues reminder
on registration

   The Highland County Board of Elections wants to remind the citizens of
Highland County that the deadline for registering to vote in the primary
election, to be held Tuesday, May 4 will be Monday, April 5. This deadline
is for people who have never registered before.
   To better serve those who may need to register, the Board of Elections
office will be open on April 5 from 8:30 a.m. until 9 p.m. The Board office
is located at 1575 N. High St., Suite 200, Hillsboro.
   The office also wants to remind anyone wishing to vote by absentee
ballot that a request for such a ballot must be filed with our office for
each separate election. Absentee ballots will be mailed for the May primary
election beginning March 30 for those who have applications. The last day
for an absentee ballot to be mailed will be Saturday, May 1. Voters are
encouraged to get their applications in early.
   A voter may also cast an early absentee ballot in person by coming to
the Board of Elections office and voting at that site. Early voting will
begin on Tuesday, March 30 and will continue through Monday, May 3.
   Office hours will be: Mondays, 8:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Tuesday-Thursday: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Saturday,
May 1: 9 a.m. - noon.
   Please call 393-9961 for more information.

Funds established
to help family of
recent burn victim

   Nine-year-old Aaron Albrecht was seriously injured Jan. 29 from an
explosion in his hands, causing him to lose three fingers on each hand. In
addition, both arms were broken, and he had serious burns.
   Aaron has been in the Dayton Children’s Hospital since then, and will be
there for at least two more months.
   Aaron’s parents, David and Kenya Albrecht, are by his side 24/7 to
assist him. Aaron has had 14 operations with more to come. The family lives
two miles west of Greenfield. There has been a fund established at the
Greenfield Fifth Third Bank, and Home Building & Loan, so the community can
help a family in the community in serious need. All donations will be
greatly appreciated.
   Cards also may be sent to Aaron at Dayton Children’s Hospital,
Children's Place, Dayton, Ohio 45404.
   The family appreciates your support.

Marshall Community 
Ladies Group meets 

   The March meeting of the Marshall Community Ladies Group will be held
Tuesday, March 30 from 6:30-8 p.m. at the firehouse in Marshall.
   The program will be Getting Ready For Spring. Ladies of all ages and
surrounding areas are welcome.
   For more information, call 466-2438.

Health clinic March 29

   On Monday, March 29, there will be a clinic only for immunizations held
at the Highland County Health Department, 1487 North High Street, Suite 400,
Hillsboro. Times are from 1-4 p.m.

Brown County
Route 251 culvert 
replacement postponed

   Due to utility issues, a pair of culvert replacement projects on state
Route 251 in Brown County has been postponed, and the route has been
reopened to traffic.
   Crews from the Ohio Department of Transportation’s Brown County Highway
Maintenance Facility were scheduled to undertake two separate projects
between County Road 9 (Park Road) and the Clinton County line Wednesday and
Thursday this week.
   While this project has been postponed until utilities have been cleared,
crews are now planning to start a series of culvert replacements on S.R.
505 next week.
   Weather permitting, S.R. 505 will be closed Tuesday, March 30, at its
junction with U.S. 52 for a one-day culvert replacement project.
Additional projects will continue northward on subsequent days throughout
April as weather permits.
   Each day that a project is under way, the road will be closed to traffic
beginning at 8 a.m. and continuing until approximately 4 p.m. While it is
closed, motorists will be detoured via U.S. 52, S.R. 133 and S.R. 125.
   The route will be open to evening and overnight travel.
   For information on additional lane and road closures caused by
construction, accidents, flooding or other related traffic events throughout
the state, visit Buckeye Traffic on ODOT's web site at

Tea Party rally April 15

   The Hillsboro Tea Party Group announces that plans are under way for a
Tax Day Rally on April 15 at the Highland County Courthouse at 5 p.m.
   This will be an opportunity for local people to publicly join in
peaceful assembly to express themselves, as is being done by citizens all
across America.
   The founding leader of Hillsboro Tea Party is Sam Taynor, who can be
reached at
(937) 442-3072 or
   The Web site for the
group is

   * The Buford Community Church will having a songfest on Saturday, March
27 at 7 p.m. There will be special music for the evening. If you have a song
you would like to share, please bring it with you. The church is located in
the heart of Buford on Greenbush East Road. For more information, call
   * Those interested in participating in the Greenfield Farmers’ Market
this summer are invited to join us on Wednesday, April 7 from 6-7 p.m. at
the Greenfield Public Library. At this meeting we will be signing up members
and sharing ideas for the upcoming season. Contact Ellie Cleland at
937-403-4790 or Eric Zint at 937-981-2454 for more information.
   * The Leesburg Lions Club is sponsoring a Soup Supper March 27,  at the
Leesburg United Methodist Church.  Serving time is 4:30-7 p.m. There will be
chili soup, bean soup and potato soup plus beverages and desserts. The cost
is a freewill donation.  All are invited to attend. Proceeds from the supper
will be used to help support KAMP Dovetail and other Lions’ projects.
   * Help Me Grow is hosting an Easter playgroup at the Pondo Center from
10 a.m.-noon on Wednesday, March 31.
   * VFW Post 9094 is hosting a fish fry on Saturday, April 3 from 4:30-7
p.m. The price is $7 and includes all the fish you can eat, fries, slaw,
hush puppies, and soft drinks. The event is at VFW Post 9094 behind Dairy
Queen and is open to the public.
   * American Legion Post 568 will hold their annual Easter egg hunt April
3 at 2 p.m. at the Highland Community Park for ages 0-12.
   * The Odd Fellows will be hosting an Easter Egg Hunt fundraiser. This
event will include kids and adults. The event will be held April 3 at 1 p.m.
at 2158 S.R. 73 in Belfast. The event is open to the public and everyone is
welcome. For more information, call 764-1527 or 764-1162.
   * Highland County Children Services will be hosting a spaghetti dinner
in recognition of April’s Child Abuse Prevention Month on Tuesday, April 6
from 6-8 p.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church in Hillsboro. Call (937) 393-3111
ext. 101 or 800-406-3822.[[In-content Ad]]

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