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  • Preliminary report card on Trump’s first '100’ days

    Since President Trump has crammed at least 100 days of action into just a few weeks, let’s issue his preliminary 100-day report card now.
  • Poll: Many Democrats want a more moderate party; Republicans happy with GOP
    Data from a new Gallup survey suggests that close to half of Democrats want their party to move more toward the middle, while more than 40% of Republicans are happy with their party.
  • Congress must defend freedom of dissent after Biden’s outrageous ‘debank’ scandal
    For the past four years, the federal government has placed major banks under immense pressure to close accounts owned by conservative individuals and businesses with little notice or transparency. This practice — known as debanking — used to be reserved for crime organizations and money launderers.
  • Restoring America with common sense
    The Founders were guided by the ideas and the thinking of the common sense realists. Jefferson, Madison, and Hamilton, especially, were thoroughly trained in common sense realism by their teachers who brought those ideas and that manner of thinking from Scotland to America.
  • Message on a bottle, Part 2
    Ladies and gentlemen, in our last offering, we were talking about an old McKeehan, Hiestand Grocery Co. of Hillsboro glass bottle that turned up in the haymow of my family’s barn.
  • A weaponized FBI: It's real, whistleblowers testify, with scars to prove it
    FBI officials, past and present, have marshaled significant evidence via whistleblower complaints and testimony indicating that several terminated leaders routinely used their offices for partisan purposes. These include allegations that at least two of the fired officials, Jeffrey Veltri and Dena Perkins, manipulated the security clearance review process to personally and professionally punish conservatives, COVID-19 vaccine skeptics, and Jan. 6 whistleblowers who reported suspected bureau malfeasance, and retaliated against those who came to the whistleblowers’ defense. 
  • Happy Valentine’s Day
    Of course, readers of this column know me and know God is an important part of my life. I’ve been given, so far, an extra 23 years. I wake up every morning asking the Lord what he wants me to do with these days. I didn’t beat cancer. He did, and I need to follow His leading on what to do with all this extra time.
  • The Biden policies we must leave behind
    By incentivizing investment, addressing housing supply constraints, reforming the tort system, and curbing administrative and regulatory overreach, and, Congress and the new administration can create the conditions for sustained economic growth and lower prices.
  • Hobbled milk cows and tethered horses
    Recently sidelined, I know how a hobbled old milk cow looks at life, or what a horse tethered to the fence feels. Imprisoned, caged, confined. Stuck in one place with absolutely no say in the matter. And it is not fun. 
  • The value of BARDA
    Twenty years ago, in 2004, Congress passed the Project BioShield Act, which established the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, also known as BARDA.
  • Learning the realities of capitalism once again
    In Washington and elsewhere around our country, people are once again learning the principles of capitalism. It makes no difference where you live on this planet, what sort of government you are under, at the individual level, everyone is a capitalist.  
  • A sermon on Luke 6:20-26
    On behalf of Holy Trinity Church, I gladly welcome the Future Farmers of America to worship with us today. I leave you with a spiritual truth that will lead you to the blessings Jesus wants for you. Jesus said in John 10:9, "Yes, I am the gate. Those who come in through me will be saved. They will come and go freely and will find good pastures." 
  • Bringing farm country voices to Washington
    My highest priority for the next farm bill is to improve the farm safety net, whereby every farmer in every region of the country will have access to modernized risk management tools regardless of the commodity they grow.
  • U.S. Marine Corps: Put me in coach
    We are now almost five years into the implementation of Force Design and the current General Manager (CMC), General Smith, has not changed course but instead doubled down.
  • China and Taiwan: Beware the law of unintended consequences
    Will China invade Taiwan? Yes. As long as Xi Jinping is the supreme power in China, as he currently is, count on it. Why? He has repeatedly told everyone who is listening that he intends to do so.
  • The human library
    I woke early and navigated my way through the dim morning light. I opened the door to my closet. My daily attire typically consists of jeans, flannel shirt, and work boots, but not this day. This day I was going to be part of a human library.
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