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ODH: New infectious disease dashboard greatly increases available data

Ohio Department of Health, Press Release

Ohio Department of Health (ODH) Director Bruce Vanderhoff, MD, MBA, Thursday announced the addition of a new, user-friendly dashboard to the department’s website which will greatly increase the amount of publicly available data on infectious diseases in Ohio.
The dashboard, entitled “Summary of Infectious Diseases in Ohio,” is now active on the state’s DataOhio Portal at:….

Click on the “visualize” tab once on the page. The dashboard includes data from more than 100 infectious diseases and can be easily filtered by county, timeframe and demographics such as age, sex, race and ethnicity.
Data is available back to 2001, and it will be updated weekly. The interactive dashboard replaces an annual report on diseases that was not available until about 18 months after the close of a year.
“I am pleased that ODH can offer Ohioans access to much more information about infectious diseases,” Dr. Vanderhoff said. “We hope that this helps people to better understand disease activity in their community and statewide, both historically and currently.”
Examples of diseases with data available on the dashboard include measles, legionellosis and Lyme disease, as well as cases of illnesses that can be food-borne such as salmonella and E. coli infections. The dashboard does not include information on COVID-19 or influenza, as ODH maintains separate dashboards for those viruses.

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