Hillsboro Garden Club convenes
The Hillsboro Garden Club met Aug. 25, at the Floral Hall on the Highland County Fairgrounds. President Dena Benner led the group in reciting the “Pledge of Allegiance,” followed by singing “God Bless America.”
Cindy Johnson, secretary, read the minutes of the July picnic meeting and was approved as read. The treasurer’s report was given by Ruth Anna Duff.
Larry Moore displayed a luminary design and Nancy Baldwin shared an underwater design. These designs are on the program schedule for the Friday Flower show.
Old business – Highland County Fair. Pat Lawrence had an education display on “Theme Gardens.”
Judges for the flower shows were Nancy Kaplan and Jean Moore.
New Business:
• The Christmas Party is scheduled for Dec. 1 at the Ponderosa Party Room.
• The Highland County contact chairman will be the past president and will rotate every two years when the slate of officers change. Nancy Sonner made the motion and after discussion, was passed. Dena Benner will be the next Highland County contact chairman.
• The September meeting was held Sept. 22.
• The publicity committee submitted an informative article to the area newspapers about the Garden Club and the upcoming flower shows at the fair. The meeting was adjourned. The program was given by Arlene Huiet on water gardens, a favorite thing of Arlene’s. The features you should follow for a water garden are:
• May be of any size and lined with a preformed pool or with a rubber lining.
• Make shelves to place marginal plants at different heights. Allow at least 24” depth to allow to winter over fish and plants.
• No trees with leaves nearby. Six hours of full sun are required.
• Place the pond within viewing distance from your home. Place plants in any type of container using dirt, fertilizer and rocks on top to hold down the planting material.
• Use different types of plants to keep the water in balance. Fish and fountains are a nice addition.
Refreshments were served by Dena Benner and Ruth Ann Duff to: Nancy Baldwin, Juanita Carson, Teresa Cudkowicz, Mary Jane Espledge, Leona Gabriel, Beryl Gruelle, Arlene Huiet, Cindy Johnson, Pat Lawrence, Larry Moore, Mary Smith, Nancy Sonner, Louise Sprinkle, Gloria Wright, Danny Gross, Jennifer West and Iris Cormel.[[In-content Ad]]
Cindy Johnson, secretary, read the minutes of the July picnic meeting and was approved as read. The treasurer’s report was given by Ruth Anna Duff.
Larry Moore displayed a luminary design and Nancy Baldwin shared an underwater design. These designs are on the program schedule for the Friday Flower show.
Old business – Highland County Fair. Pat Lawrence had an education display on “Theme Gardens.”
Judges for the flower shows were Nancy Kaplan and Jean Moore.
New Business:
• A group picture was taken for the 2009-10 program books.
• There was a motion made by Nancy Baldwin that the club would eliminate the regular meeting during the month of January. Ruth Anna Duff seconded the motion and after discussion the motion passed.• The Christmas Party is scheduled for Dec. 1 at the Ponderosa Party Room.
• The Highland County contact chairman will be the past president and will rotate every two years when the slate of officers change. Nancy Sonner made the motion and after discussion, was passed. Dena Benner will be the next Highland County contact chairman.
• The September meeting was held Sept. 22.
• The publicity committee submitted an informative article to the area newspapers about the Garden Club and the upcoming flower shows at the fair. The meeting was adjourned. The program was given by Arlene Huiet on water gardens, a favorite thing of Arlene’s. The features you should follow for a water garden are:
• May be of any size and lined with a preformed pool or with a rubber lining.
• Make shelves to place marginal plants at different heights. Allow at least 24” depth to allow to winter over fish and plants.
• No trees with leaves nearby. Six hours of full sun are required.
• Place the pond within viewing distance from your home. Place plants in any type of container using dirt, fertilizer and rocks on top to hold down the planting material.
• Use different types of plants to keep the water in balance. Fish and fountains are a nice addition.
Refreshments were served by Dena Benner and Ruth Ann Duff to: Nancy Baldwin, Juanita Carson, Teresa Cudkowicz, Mary Jane Espledge, Leona Gabriel, Beryl Gruelle, Arlene Huiet, Cindy Johnson, Pat Lawrence, Larry Moore, Mary Smith, Nancy Sonner, Louise Sprinkle, Gloria Wright, Danny Gross, Jennifer West and Iris Cormel.[[In-content Ad]]