Reader appreciates Bill Horne's perspective
To the editor:
Once more I have been impressed with Bill Horne's clear, simple, factual and politically unbiased analysis a complicated situation. I thought explaining why China is getting richer while the United States economy is tanking, using a monopoly game analogy in his "Transfer of wealth going the wrong way", was excellent and I especially appreciated his using the terms liberal and conservative correctly instead of as red meat for brainwashed activists.
It is refreshing to see or hear the word liberal used as Webster defines it instead of with words such as Commy, Bleeding Heart, un American, or tax and spend attached and the word conservative used to represent a political philosophy rather than to imply sainthood of a politician, that somehow makes everything from cheating on a wife to sending 5000 of our sons and daughters to their death in a illegitimate war that has cost our children and grandchildren trillions of dollars OK.
Bill Horne's kind of analysis and commentary is much needed by Highland County and the nation, What we don't need is more fanning of partisan flames by people who proudly claim that their work is so biased that it will make liberals who read it nauseated or who have consistently attached derogatory terms such as bed wetting to the word liberal.
The time has come for the people to come together and put the United States back on the right track rather than to continue allowing themselves to divided for political gain of a political party.
Charles Leach
Lynchburg [[In-content Ad]]
Once more I have been impressed with Bill Horne's clear, simple, factual and politically unbiased analysis a complicated situation. I thought explaining why China is getting richer while the United States economy is tanking, using a monopoly game analogy in his "Transfer of wealth going the wrong way", was excellent and I especially appreciated his using the terms liberal and conservative correctly instead of as red meat for brainwashed activists.
It is refreshing to see or hear the word liberal used as Webster defines it instead of with words such as Commy, Bleeding Heart, un American, or tax and spend attached and the word conservative used to represent a political philosophy rather than to imply sainthood of a politician, that somehow makes everything from cheating on a wife to sending 5000 of our sons and daughters to their death in a illegitimate war that has cost our children and grandchildren trillions of dollars OK.
Bill Horne's kind of analysis and commentary is much needed by Highland County and the nation, What we don't need is more fanning of partisan flames by people who proudly claim that their work is so biased that it will make liberals who read it nauseated or who have consistently attached derogatory terms such as bed wetting to the word liberal.
The time has come for the people to come together and put the United States back on the right track rather than to continue allowing themselves to divided for political gain of a political party.
Charles Leach
Lynchburg [[In-content Ad]]