Local men and women need to "look in the mirror"
To the editor:
It has been my privilege to write for several newspapers, newsletters, and cultural magazines. This reader and author has become a fan of the Highland County Press.
Allow me a moment to make a personal opinion here. Before I begin, excuse me if this seems one-sided to the gentlemen of our communities.
It seems to me that we as a society have turned our behavior into that of a spoiled child. As a people, we vote for those people we believe will do right by us. Then, when these people are elected and things don't go our way, we stamp our feet, yell real loud, and publications such as the Highland County Press permit us a venue in which to tell others and show others our verbal tantrums.
As a personal observation, however, it appears most of our tantrums come from the male point of view. Our politician, law enforcement, and community leaders can't take full responsibility for the good or the bad that is happening. Remember, we voted these men and women into office.
For example, Greenfield voters chose a city manager. When things didn't go their way, as a few people saw it, the city manager was forced to leave town. President Obama was elected by us, the voters. However, since we voted these people into office, there are people who want to stomp their feet, yell, and scream because the "spoiled children" didn't get their way.
An article called "Amerika: A Cult" blew my mind (an old saying). Our communities need help: our unemployment rate has gone through the roof, and our communities need jobs. We have servicemen and women fighting for our right to have our verbal tantrums made public.
This reader can't count how many negative articles I've seen lately, myself included. Look in the mirror, as I did, and see if you don't fit in this.
The reason I ask the gentlemen to excuse me is due to the observation that our men write the majority of the articles.
The Nov. 7 issue of the Highland County Press ran an article called "Down the tube" written by Pat Lawrence. I met a woman at the Greenfield Public Library who was getting involved in keeping her neighborhood free of theft and drugs. These two women are doing their best to make a difference, to make people aware of what's happening to our society, and doing their best to make a difference. Making a difference and caring about our communities are the responsibilities of us all. The neighborhood I live in looks out for each other. When I look out for my neighbors, I thought myself to be that nosey neighbor that others warn you of, when in reality, we all should have the courage and caring as Ms. Lawrence and the woman at the library have. We should take a lesson from these two women, stop acting like spoiled children, and take our responsibility for what's happening in our country, communities, and on down to each person's neighborhood.
The elected officials and our law enforcement cannot do it all alone. Considering we are the reason they are in office, what are we doing?
Does anyone wish to borrow my mirror? And ladies, maybe more of us should find the courage to lead the way, and maybe with God's help, the next generation won't be as we seem to be - that spoiled child.
To the two women who have made me take a look in the mirror, keep up the good work. Thank you.
Rhonda Doyle
Greenfield, Ohio
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