Hillsboro Great Oaks FFA members exhibit beef and dairy projects at 2024 Highland County Fair

Cameron Burkard is pictured at the 2024 Highland County Fair. (Submitted photos)
On Sept. 1-7, the Hillsboro Great Oaks FFA Chapter had seven members show their beef projects at the 2024 Highland County Fair.
Carter Boyd exhibited his fat steer this year and won Reserve Champion county born and bred fat steer.
Cameron Burkard exhibited the Grand Champion Shorthorn in the junior show.
Dalayna Collins showed her feeder calf named Tomato and got third in class.
Bri Foxx exhibited the third overall breeding heifer, third overall market steer and was Champion Intermediate showman.
Blake Herdman exhibited the fourth overall feeder calf, Reserve Champion Mainetainer Female and Reserve Champion Dairy Feeder.
Kenny Shawhan exhibited the Grand Champion Dairy Feeder and Grand Champion Holstein.
Emma Yochum exhibited the grand champion Chi-Angus female and was first place in the Showman of Showmen contest.
The 2024 Highland County Fair was a success for all of our chapter members who have worked very hard over this past summer preparing for this yearly milestone.
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